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In the middle of the Atlantic ocean, with a salinity of 3.2 %, a VLF signal will penetrate down to a depth of 10-20 meter, barely periscope-depth for a modern large scale submarine.

In the middle of something? 正在忙吗?
In the middle of telling a joke that most at the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner had heard before, president Bush was interrupted by the First Lady Laura Bush. 布什总统在白宫记者协会年度晚宴的讲台上,讲一个在座的大多数人以前已经听过的老笑话,第一夫人劳拉·布什打断了布什总统的讲话。
In the middle of that beautiful love scene? 在一场美丽的爱情故事中间?
In the middle of the 18th century, on account of the serious financial crisis, the French Absolute Monarchy was forced to carry Out a series of reforms. 摘要18世纪中叶前后,面对严重的财政危机,法国的绝对王权政府被迫推行了一系列改革。
In the middle of the 19th century,thousands of Chinese laborers made great contributions, with their blood,sweat and wisdom,to the American construction of the grand central Pacific railroad stretching from east to west and the development of the West. 19世纪中叶,上万名华工用血汗和智慧为美国建设横贯东西的中内太平洋大铁路和开发西部作出重大贡献。
In the middle of the Atlantic ocean, with a salinity of 3.2 %, a VLF signal will penetrate down to a depth of 10-20 meter, barely periscope-depth for a modern large scale submarine. 在大西洋中部,海水的盐度为3.2%,甚低频无线电信号可以穿透到海面下10~20米的深度,几乎就是现代大型潜艇的潜望镜深度。
In the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC),Yan, another hived-off nation on the southwest of ji, merged it and moved the capital there. 春秋(公元前770年-前476年)中期,位于蓟国西南面的另一个封国燕,吞没了蓟,并迂都于蓟城。
In the middle of the United States, farmers grow wheat, corn and other grain. 在美国的中部,农民种植小麦、玉米和其他粮食作物。
In the middle of the chaos, one of the tribal leaders had a son named Temujin. 在混乱之中,其中一个部落的首领有个儿子名叫铁木真。
In the middle of the country, people who live along the Missouri River are doing what they can to hold off floodwaters. 在这个国家的中部,那些生活在密苏里河沿岸的人们正在做它们所能做的来抵抗洪水。
In the middle of the dead desert, two lines of footprints are swallow by the sand and wind. 在这片死亡的沙漠中央,两行足迹正在慢慢的被风沙吞噬着。)

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