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A student can no more obtain knowledgewithout studying than a farmer can get harvestwithout ploughing.

A struggling man should have no time to quarrel with others. 努力向上的人,应当没有时间和人吵架。
A student added a ball of calcium in concentrated hydrochlorice acid. 有个学生把球状的钙加入了浓盐酸中。
A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents live in that state. 进入州立大学学习的学生的父母居住在这个州里,那么他就不需要支付很多学费。
A student at the music conservatory, she is recommended for a position at a venerated publisher, and, in a fortuitous turn of events, orchestrates an opportunity to work beside the greatest, most mercurial artist alive - Ludwig van Beethoven (Ed Harris). 在抄写的过程中,安娜尝尽了苦头,贝多芬犹如一头野兽,自我又不受控制,但同时又被大师的才情深深吸引。
A student came in one morning to find blood around the barn and all the sheep injured with puncture wounds. 那天早晨,一个学生来到羊舍,发现四周都是血,所有的羊都被咬伤,有一只羊已经死亡,另一只因伤势过重不得不将其杀掉。
A student can no more obtain knowledgewithout studying than a farmer can get harvestwithout ploughing. 学生不学习就不能获得知识,正如农民不耕作不能获得收获一样。
A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly. 一个学生走进一位年轻教授的办公室。她扫了一眼大厅,关上教授办公室的门,祈求地跪在地上。
A student from Yale University simply could not resist the idea of carving his own name on to a pair of scissors. 来自耶鲁大学的一名学生实在忍不住想尝试一下把自己的名字刻在剪刀上。
A student may sign up for this service no later than before the end of the first semester of their study but may apply from time of application. 学生正式签约该服务的时间不得晚于第一学期末,但是可以在申请期间就预约该服务。
A student on duty has to mop the floor and dust every piece of furniture in the dorm room! 值日生必须拖地板及把宿舍房间里的每件家具的灰尘撢乾净。
A student should always be curious to learn. 学生应该始终具有强烈的求知欲。

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