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In structure, there is no need of using a substrate with high dielectric constant to reduce the filter size, and it is suitable to be buried into the substrate and thus easy to integrate with other sub-modules to form a single, miniaturized, multifunction

In stroke, where cells die or fail to mature, it will be important to identify growth factors that support neuronal survival and teach immature cells to become healthy, well-connected neurons. 以中风的状况来说,细胞会死去或无法成熟,因此找出哪些生长因子可以支持神经生存,以及教导未成熟细胞变成健康而富连结的神经细胞,就很重要了。
In strong wind, let someone grab your leading edge from the center. 强风时,请人帮忙抓住伞中央前缘风口处。
In structural engineering, hydraulic concrete is often used for the construction of a cyclical bear or fresh water, sea water or ice scour, erosion, and the knock-on effect on the permeability of concrete used hydraulic structures, it has special requirem 摘要在工程结构中,水工混凝土是用以修建经常或周期性的承受淡水、海水或冰块的冲刷、侵蚀、渗透和撞击作用的水工建筑物所用的混凝土,其有特殊的要求和规定。
In structural genomics, genetic maps have been constructed for up to 40 forest tree species, more than 30 commercially important QTLs have been detected, comparative mapping has been done for a few of forest tree taxa, and whole genome sequencing was comp 结构基因组学方面,已构建了近40个主要造林树种的遗传连锁图谱,在不同树种中定位了30余个重要的数量性状位点,在部分树种中开展了基因组比较和综合图谱构建研究,杨树的全基因组测序已经完成,桉树的全基因组测序正在进行。
In structure of the Heat Mirror, because of the Heat Mirror film block off gas molecular moving route in upright direction, the heat convection &conduction are decreased in vertical direction of the glass. 在热镜结构中由于热镜薄膜阻挡了气体分子上下运动的路径,垂直于玻璃方向的对流热传导显著降低。
In structure, there is no need of using a substrate with high dielectric constant to reduce the filter size, and it is suitable to be buried into the substrate and thus easy to integrate with other sub-modules to form a single, miniaturized, multifunction 结构上,不需要使用高介电常数的介质来降低滤波器尺寸,并且适于埋入介质层内与其他次模组整合成单一、微小化之多功能模组。
In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations. 在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。
In studies of mice, the researchers found that angiogenesis inhibitors decreased the diameters of tumor blood vessels and made them less leaky, so they began to resemble normal vessels. 研究人员在小鼠的身上发现,血管新生抑制剂会使肿瘤血管的管径缩小,让这些血管比较不那麽容易渗漏,而变得更像正常的血管。
In studio recordings,new techniques made possible effects that not even an electronic band could produce live. 在录音棚录制过程中,新技术制造出了电子乐队也演奏不出来的效果。
In studying animal behavior and neurophysiology, this topic concentrates on hearing mechanisms, including the neural mechanism s of auditory precedence effect, the neural mechanism s of informational masking and energetic masking, the interaction between 本研究以动物行为和动物神经生理为对象,重点探讨如下四个问题:听觉优先效应的神经生物学机制;信息掩蔽和能量掩蔽的神经生物学机制;听觉认知过程与感觉门控过程之间的交互作用;听觉情绪学习的神经生物学机制。
In studying the real right system of natural resources from the angle of the civil right, the academe neglects social and ecological attributes of natural resources, which is unfavorable for the protection and sustainable use of natural resources. 摘要学术界从民事权利的角度研究自然资源物权,忽略了自然资源的生态与社会属性,不利于自然资源的保护与可持续性利用。

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