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Add egg, basil, salt and pepper and mix well. Dampen hands and form meat mixture into a palm-sized patty.

Add deep psychological meaning to your partner's sexual disinterest, and take it very personally! 若伴侣的对性生活表现得没兴趣时,视之为对自己的不满。
Add details to an existing picture using straight lines or geometric shapes. 使用直线或几何图形为已有的图片增添细节。
Add dough ingredients A and B in a mixing bowl. 把材料中的(a)和(b)混合在搅拌盆中,低速搅拌1分钟左右。
Add dry ingredients and sour cream or buttermilk alternately, beating afater each addition. Stir in nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto a greased cookie sheet. 把粉类和酸奶油或是白脱奶交替加入打发的油脂中。每次都打匀后再继续添加。加入山核桃拌匀。用小汤勺勺在抹了油烤纸上。
Add egg to sugar mixture and stir in orange juice and zest. 加入鸡蛋,橙汁和橙皮末搅打均匀。
Add egg, basil, salt and pepper and mix well. Dampen hands and form meat mixture into a palm-sized patty. 加入鸡蛋,罗勒碎,盐和胡椒粉搅拌均匀。手弄湿后,将肉糜揉成巴掌大团子。
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 加入鸡蛋,每次加一个,打匀后再添加另一个。
Add escarole to soup, and cook for 5 minutes more. Adjust seasonings, and serve in four bowls topped with croutons and olive oil. 把莴苣放入汤中煮5分钟。放入调味料,倒入四个碗中,上面撒上面包块和橄榄油。
Add fine adjust device for the pressure of foot,without dial on the adjustable screw, more convenience for operation. 压脚压力采用微调装置,压力调节螺钉设有刻度,更加方便操作。
Add flour and whisk until mixture is smooth. 牛油入锅,中火融化后,加入面粉搅匀。
Add fried shallot, fried garlic, rock candy, thick soy sauce, rice wine and liquorices to stir fry over low heat for 80 minutes. 放入红葱酥、大蒜酥、冰糖、油膏、米酒、甘草拌匀,以小火煮80分钟左右。

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