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The Autumn Report also touched upon the serious economic problems that would crop up.

The Author points out that managers of design institutes need consider all over the performance、 cost、 risk、 reliability and maintainability in designing processes, and pursue changing definition method and vague analyses,by this way they will attain the 作者认为应综合权衡性能、成本、可靠性、维修性、进度、风险,通过采用动态定义和模糊分析方法,使产品研制达到高效能,全寿命周期费用低的目标。
The Authority may publish the Licensee's name and address at his discretion unless the Licensee specifically asks that this should not be done. 局长可酌情发表持牌人的姓名及地址﹐除非持牌人明确要求不要发表。
The Automatic Model MR166 is specially for resharpening of carbide tipped circular saw blades,This girinder can be pre-selction of number of counting devide.Three kinds of saw-teeth (flat,altemate,trapezoidal saw-teeth etc.)can also be attained on it. MR166型自动磨锯机是专门修磨镶硬质合金圆锯中的机床,该机具有预选齿数,并藉动计数器装置可自动停机,同时可磨平齿、交错齿、梯型齿等三种齿型。
The Automatic Updates client will search this service for updates that apply to the computers on your network. 这个自动更新客户端将搜寻更新服务并且应用到你网络上的计算机。
The Autonomous Region shall establish Guangxi Financing Guarantee Fund. 自治区建立广西出口融资担保资金。
The Autumn Report also touched upon the serious economic problems that would crop up. 秋季报告也没有回避可能出现的严重经济问题。
The Avant-Courier Floor Board: Due to combinative of all Wood, it takes up the 80% paving surface in Occident's Projects. 由于它结合了其它木地板的优点,故在欧美国家,三层实木地板已占工程总铺装面积的80%。
The Avatamsaka Sutra is like a giant poem because it speaks in terms of image only. 形象化的语言使这部经典就象一首长诗。
The Aveo interior is better than you might expect for such a low-cost car. 在作为一辆如此廉价的汽车上,乐骋的内部设计比你可能期待的更好。
The Avon disgorges (itself) into the Severn. 埃文河流入塞文河.
The Avon is a tributary of the Severn. 埃文河是塞文河的支流.

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