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In brief, it is a sensible fit of that harmony which intellectually sounds in the ears of God.

In brief, fighting wars brings harm to humans, to the planet, and to all the living beings who together inhabit this earth. 简单地说,打仗战争给人类、这个地球、以及居住在地球上的所有众生,都带来了伤害。
In brief, he is no longer a stranger here. 总而言之,在这儿他不再是个陌生人了。
In brief, her works neither elevate nor instruct. 简而言之,她的作品既没有提高【升华】,也没有说教。
In brief, human nature is the unity of good and evil and keeps changing after birth. 总之,人性是善、恶的“有机统一”,人性在后天是变化的。
In brief, it advanced the renewal of Chinese tradition law idea subtly, and provided a kind of thought source for China's legal modernization. 总之,它潜移默化地推进了中国传统法观念的更新,并为中国的法制近代化提供了另类形式的思想源。
In brief, it is a sensible fit of that harmony which intellectually sounds in the ears of God. 要言之,它是上彻天听的玲珑曼妙的仙籁的阵阵和谐。
In brief, it was so difficult that we all left the barman to deal with the problem. 简言之,这事太难了,所以我们就把它留给了侍应,让他来解决这个问题。
In brief, mammals are warm-blooded, lung-breathing, hairy vertebrates. 简言之,哺乳动物是温血、肺呼吸和多毛的脊椎动物。
In brief, the conception of zang-fu viscera is initially a gross anatomical conception, and in a sense the anatomic sites and functions of which are mostly similar to those described in Western medicine. 脏腑的本义是指实体解剖器官,其解剖位置与现代医学的认识基本一致,其功能也与现代医学的认识有某种相同之处。
In brief, the opportunity of injury to the radial nerve may be reduced by careful operation. 骨外科医师只有谨慎地操作,方可减少桡神经的损伤。
In brief, this article aims at helping high school geography teachers strengthen their conscience of experiment teaching, as well as improving the understanding of geography and multi-skill among students, promoting their overall abilities, which will rea 总之,本文希望通过理论和教学实践,强化中学地理教师开展中学地理实验教学意识,增强学生对地理知识的理解,培养学生的多种能力,提升学生的素质,最终实现地理教育功能。

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