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Much learning makes men mad.

Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年充满快乐。
Much lamentation followed the death of the old king. 老国王晏驾, 人们悲恸不已.
Much later Heinrich Hertz demonstrated radio waves in a primitive manner. 隔了相当长一段时间,赫兹用一种简单的方法证明了无线电波的存在.
Much later I heard him showing Mr Mason to his bedroom, and was glad that Mr Rochester sounded so cheerful. 很久以后,我听到他带梅森进了他的卧室;听到他的声音如此愉快,我感到很高兴。
Much later, the horse is lame. 再过些时间马就瘸了。
Much learning makes men mad. 学识越多越狂妄。
Much less a man that shared the same. 同类的男性更是少之又少。
Much like Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and Arcturus, perhaps such creations shall manifest their cause before they can release the pattern in full, experiencing now a fall in consciousness or into density or matter much like the Great Central Sun. 就像天狼星、猎户星、昴宿星团、大角星一样,这些创造物可能也会在业力完全释放之前就显示出后果,将体验自身意识下降或进入致密、物质化,就像大中枢太阳一样。
Much like a bowling pin that wobbles back and forth yet doesn't fall, a penguin's body is carried forward by kinetic energy. 企鹅的身体非常类似一个来回摇摆却不会倒下的保龄球瓶,被动能带动向前。
Much like a teeter-totter, one's life goes through periods of harmony and periods of difficulty with those that one has conflicting ties within extreme polarity. 就象跷跷板,你的生命和那些在内在极端极性中与你有着冲突连结的人们通过和谐的时期和困难的时期。
Much like in previous games, Agent 47 is assigned to travel to exotic locals across the world to kill off especially seedy or evil men. 跟前作类似的是,47探员被派往世界各地去杀人,尤其是邪恶肮脏的那种。

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