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It was sly of you not to tell us you'd already met.

It was similar to the present day functioning of the Organization Department. 它与现在的组织部的功能相似。
It was simply described importance of pigment resistance transference to optical fiber coding inks. 摘要简述颜料耐迁移性对光纤标识油墨的重要性。
It was singing some kind of a lullaby...a lullaby that a mother would sing to her newborn child. 它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。
It was sisterhood that made her give up her own interest in order to send her younger sisters to college. 是姊妹之情使她为了送妹妹们上大学而放弃了自己的利益。
It was sixteen years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around. 它已经十六岁了,牙都没了,又瞎,行动也不便。
It was sly of you not to tell us you'd already met. 你们真坏,已经见了面还瞒着我们.
It was small wonder, then, that he suddenly flung down his brush on the floor, said ‘Bother! 怪不得他猛地把刷子往地下一扔,嚷道:“烦死人了!”
It was snapped up on the internet by a buyer in California from a French bookseller. 这个版本被一位身在加州的法国书商在网上抢购得到。
It was snowing heavily. 天正在下大雪。
It was snowing when I woke up. 我醒来时正在下雪.
It was snowing, and so I could not go out. 天在下雪,所以我无法外出。

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