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It can be argued that models of intermittent criticality not only hold the promise of providing additional criteria for intermediate-term earthquake forecasting methods but also might provide a theoretical basis for such approaches.

It can be anyone who contributes to the world in a way that you admire. 他可以是任何一个以你崇拜的方式给世界作贡献的人。
It can be applied to deal with the measured data of spatial straightness obtained by three coordinate measuring machines (CMM). 可用于二坐标测量机等测量系统的空间直线度误差测量的数据处理。
It can be applied to refine all kinds of edible oil(In accordance with the standard of cook oil to refine,such as de-fat,deglue,de-colour and de-odour). 该机可按国家高级烹调油标准进行脱胶、脱酸、脱色、脱臭,适用于各种油脂的精炼加工。
It can be applied to the temporal relationship between different plants. 它也可以应用在不同植物之间的时间关系。
It can be argued that all of the above are artificial props to the market and their effect is temporary or at least no one knows how long their impact will continue. 我们认为所有上述因素都是人为促动市场发展,其影响都是暂时性的,至少尚未有人知道这些影响能持续多久。
It can be argued that models of intermittent criticality not only hold the promise of providing additional criteria for intermediate-term earthquake forecasting methods but also might provide a theoretical basis for such approaches. 可以争论,间歇性危险状态的模型不仅有可能对中期地震预测方法提供进一步的标准,而且有可能对这种方法提供一个理论性的基础。”
It can be assembled according to the width of the channel and the depth of the water, and is mainly used in the water channel and water pump. 该产品可按照不同渠道宽度和水的深度进行组合,主要适用于水道、水泵。
It can be available for the translation center to undertake the translation services of many kinds of languages, i.e. except English, also including Japanese, Russian, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Italian etc. 除了英语之外,具有日语、俄语、韩语、德语、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语、意大利语等多语种的翻译能力。
It can be bought: it is used in industry to eliminate static electricity generated by such processes as paper rolling, the manufacture of sheet plastics and the spinning of synthetic fibres. 我们也可以买卖这些物质:因为它们可以被广泛利用在纸浆搅拌、塑料薄板制造和纺织合成纤维过程中来消除静电。
It can be classified into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. 影响计算机审计的风险因素有固有风险、控制风险、检查风险三类。
It can be compared to a function library (or a module, or a class) in a traditional programming language. 它可以比作是传统设计语言里的函数库(或一块模板,或一个类)。

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