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These countries still have a weak economic foundation and are in the process of development.

These could include third party or commercial components that you plan to use, issues around the development or operating environment, or constraints. 假如上述假设不正确、没有被告知或者改变了都将对项目产生影响。
These councils would form the nucleus of a future regime. 这些委员会将成为一个未来政权的核心。
These countries continue to register low savings and investment rates, sluggish job creation, pronounced structural heterogeneity and high degree of external vulnerability and fragility in their financial systems. 这些国家持续录得偏低的存款量和投资率,创造就业机会的步伐呆滞缓慢,金融体制方面显然架床叠屋,而且脆弱得不堪一击.
These countries purchased US and Canadian dollars, pounds sterling, Deutsche mark, Belgian and French francs, Australian dollars, Mexican pesos, Argentine pesos, Italian lire, Danish and Norwegian kroner, Swedish kronor, Japanese yen, Austrian schillings, 这些国家购买美元、加拿大元、英镑、德国马克、比利时法郎和法国法郎、澳大利亚元、墨西哥比索、阿根廷比索、意大利里拉、丹麦克郎和挪威克郎、瑞典克郎、日元、奥地利先令、西班牙比塞塔、荷兰盾、芬兰马克、爱尔兰镑、南非兰特、巴西克鲁赛罗、委内瑞拉博利瓦和马来西亚林吉特,兑换成各成员国本国的等值货币,总金额达220.08亿美元。
These countries purchased US and Canadian dollars, pounds sterling, Deutsche mark, Belgian and French francs, Australian dollars, Mexican pesos, Argentine pesos, Italian lire, Danish and Norwegian kroner, Swedish kronor, Japanese yen, Austrian schillings, 这些国家购买美元、加拿大元、英镑、德国马克、比利时法郎和法国法郎、澳大利亚元、墨西哥比索、阿根廷比索、意大利里拉、丹麦克郎和挪威克郎、瑞典克郎、日元、奥地利先令、西班牙比塞塔、荷兰盾、芬兰马克、爱尔兰镑、南非兰特、巴西克鲁赛罗、委内瑞拉博利瓦和马来西亚林吉特,兑换成各成员国本国的等值货币,总金额达220.08亿美元。
These countries still have a weak economic foundation and are in the process of development. 这些国家经济基础薄弱,处在发展的过程之中。
These courses are available in dramatically unequal numbers, however, largely in relation to the socioeconomic status and ethnicity of student populations. 不过这些课程的名额分配极度不平均,常常会跟学生的种族与社经背景有关系。
These courses require students to act both physically and intellectually,which best exemplifies ideas of all-around education. 学生在动手的同时动脑,真正地体现了素质教育的理念。
These cow bugs drink much more sap than they can use. 这些蚁牛喝的树液自身吸收不完。
These cracks can be seen under a microscope. 这些裂纹在显微镜下能看得见。
These cramps are disruptive to sleep but are not life-threatening in any way. 这种抽筋会对睡眠造成影响,但并无生命危险。

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