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Was Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare?

Was Ben Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare? 班强森是否与莎士比亚同辈?
Was God's revelation in the Bible necessary. 神在圣经里的启示有必要吗?
Was I supposed to help you today? 今天我想帮你忙。
Was I supposed to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work out? 我是应该先从外面开始依次向里用,还是从里面开始依次向外用?
Was I to read all of the pages at once and see where they fit together? 是我立刻读所有的页数以及明白该放的地方?
Was Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare? 琼森是否与莎士比亚同辈?
Was Mars a water world? 火星以前是水的世界吗?
Was Moratti's presence here today a sign of the pressure the club wants to put you under, by making you understand that you can't make any more mistakes? 记者:莫拉蒂今天来这里是不是表示来自俱乐部的压力,让你们明白不能再犯任何错误了。
Was N70 listed on China in May of 2005? N70是不是2005年5份在中国上市的?
Was Shaolin Chi Kung First? 被少林智功一次?
Was The Dog Catholic? 小狗是人主教徒吗?

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