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In the wake of the 2004 election both Andrew Card, then White House chief of staff, and Laura Bush tried to persuade the president to fire him.

In the wake of Rupert Murdoch's $5 billion unsolicited bid for Dow Jones, Thomson firmed up an £8.8 billion ($17.5 billion) offer for Reuters, a competitor in the newswire and financial-information business. 在鲁珀特·默多克给道琼斯公司开出了50亿美圆的无约束力竞标价格之后,汤姆森集团确定了一份88亿英镑(175亿美圆)的报价,意欲并购它在新闻和金融信息行业的竞争对手路透集团。
In the wake of Sunday's waves, there have been calls to set up a system that would monitor the Indian Ocean for undersea quakes and alert the countries around its rim. 随着周日海啸的发生,已经有人呼吁建立监控印度洋海底地震并警示周边国家的警报系统。
In the wake of agricultural restructure and economic development of the southeast coastal areas, there appears a trend of “sericulture transition from south to north and from east to west”. 随着我国农业产业结构的调整和东南沿海地区经济的发展,蚕桑生产出现了“南蚕北移、东蚕西迁”的趋势。
In the wake of his parents' murder, disillusioned industrial heir Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world seeking the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. 布鲁斯(基斯顿比尔饰)自目睹父母被惨杀,激发他踏遍世界各地以图寻找力量对抗各种的不公平事及对那些制造恶势力的人以牙还牙。
In the wake of many failed attempts, he had to admit to his mother, Why couldn't I catch the happiness at any cost? 在转了很多圈后。他伤心地对妈妈说,为什么我无论如何都追不到幸福啊。
In the wake of the 2004 election both Andrew Card, then White House chief of staff, and Laura Bush tried to persuade the president to fire him. 早在2004年大选过后,白宫幕僚长安德鲁.卡德以及布什夫人劳拉就曾提出解雇拉姆斯菲尔德。
In the wake of the Great Depression and the second world war, with the Keynesian revolution still young, championing the free market was deeply unfashionable, even (or especially) among economists. 在经济大萧条(恐慌)和二次世界大战之后,是凯恩斯主义刚刚大行其道的年代,在那时候,如果谁倡导自由市场经济,尤其在众多主流的经济学者中班门弄斧,都是不识时务的。
In the wake of the March 4th shootings, Afghan journalists were quickly on the scene. 在3月4日的乱射之后没多久,阿富汗新闻记者便马上赶到了现场。
In the wake of the emergence of Social Constructivism, the development of International Relations theory has entered into a new phase. 摘要当代国际关系理论之发展,随著社会建构论的崛起,进入新的阶段。
In the wake of the fall of all of Asia Minor, the domain of the Eastern Roman Empire, into Islam's sphere of control, in important aspects -- be it militarily, politically or in terms of choice of religious belief -- the whole of Europe was profoundly imp 十三世纪东罗马帝国所在的小亚细亚全数落入回教势力之手,欧洲不论在军事上、政治上还是在信仰选择上,都受到这波来自东方的高度文明的挑战,回教大军甚至在十六世纪挥兵濒临维也纳城下。
In the wake of the questions about Chinese products in the US, the Chinese government has impounded a number of shipments of exports from the US in recent weeks which has raised fears that the safety problems could escalate into a broader trade dispute. 在美国对中国产品质量提出质疑后,中国政府最近几周已扣押了多批来自美国的出口产品,令人们不禁担忧,产品安全问题可能升级为更广泛的贸易纠纷。

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