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Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately.

Jason aims at becoming an astronaut. 詹森立志要当宇航员。
Jason and Sandy and Victor are talking about their Christmas party. 杰森,珊蒂和维特正在谈论圣诞节派对的事.
Jason caught his partner off his guard and took away their contract. 詹森乘他的合伙人不备,拿走了他们的合同。
Jason is on the school volleyball team. 杰森参加学校的排球校队。
Jason is to die for. I'd do anything to go out with him. 江森真棒,我愿意做任何事来换得和他出去。
Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately. 杰逊看到我,立即从马上下来。
Jason should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures. 贾森应从事会计工作,因为他具有计算的才能。
Jason stood by the window, itching for the arrival of Mary. 贾森站在窗口,急切地等待着玛丽的到来。
Jason wants to play guitar like a bad dude. 贾森希望能非常娴熟地演奏吉他。
Jason will talk about the definition and form factor of Residential Gateway, why it is important in the digital home and to the industry as a whole, and what's the driver and barrier for this market both world wide and in China. 殷先生将会介绍家庭网关的定义和形态,解释为什么家庭网关对于用户的数字家庭和整个行业来说很重要,到底什么因素在驱动或者阻碍着该市场在中国和全球的发展。
Jason – He's the most talented Asian artist I know. 他是我所知亚洲最有才艺的人。

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