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《Liang, shan-bo and Zhu, ying-tai》is one of the four Chinese famous legends.

《International Circulation》:Okay, thank you, my second question is : In recent years, the limitation of brachial blood pressure for BP-lowing evaluation has been known, while the obvious relationship between pressure gradient and cardiovascular events is 《国际循环》:我的第二个问题是:近年来,上臂血压作为降压指标的局限性已被大家所公认,而许多研究显示脉压与心血管事件存在显著相关性,为此许多学者建议应将动脉血管硬度作为评价高血压和选择药物选择的重要指标。
《International Circulation》:The last question is about his congress, with more focus on the guideline, with your opinion about this new guideline, compared with the previous version. 最后的问题是有关本届大会的,更多地偏向于指南方面,您认为与旧版指南相比,新版指南如何?
《International Circulation》:Your opinion is very useful and valuable to Chinese clinics, Thank you. 您的观点对中国的临床非常受用和有价值,非常感谢。
《International Hepatis》: Do you think the treatment strategies of CHB would be developed along combination therapy in the future? 国际肝病:你认为在将来慢性乙肝的治疗策略会向联合治疗发展吗?
《Journal of Desert Research》can be referred by researchers in fields of sand control, environmental protection, geology and geography, ecology, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and communication etc, and also by teachers and students interesting in 从事防沙治沙,环境保护,地质地埋学,生态学,农、林、牧,交通学等有关专业的广大研究人员和大专院校的师生以及沙漠地区建设的广大干部。
《Liang, shan-bo and Zhu, ying-tai》is one of the four Chinese famous legends. 摘要《梁山伯与祝英台》是家喻户晓的中国四大民间传说之一。
《Logistics Technical Corporation》is an engineering construction company for petrochemistry product logistics system supply. 《罗吉司科技兴业股份有限公司》是供应石油化学产品物流系统及设备之专业工程建设公司。
《NCEN Import Transaction Service Agreement》 is indivisible with the relevant 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》and the《Purchase Sheet》,etc. Those have the same legal effect. 商品进口交易服务协议》与其关联的《进口商品报价单》、《购货清单》等法律文件不可分割并具有同等的法律效力。
《Nurse's Protocol and Relationship Between Nurses and Patients》Abstract Beautiful appearence,polite language,and natural and graceful protocol of nurses can make patients feel that they have been understood and respected.They will become relieved and deli 提要护士美的仪表、礼貌的语言、落落大方的礼节,可使患者感到被理解、被尊重,心理上得到慰藉,情感上获得愉悦,使护患交往在情感交融中进行。
《Nursing Care of Postoperative Complications of High Temperature Solidification Resection in Patients With Lung Cancer》Abstract Local high temperature soliditiation resection was carried out in 43 patients with lung cancer.The high fever,hydrothorax,pneum 摘要对43例肝癌局部高温固化切除术病人术后并发症的观察,发现术后易出现高热、胸腔积液及肺部、腹腔、腹壁伤口感染等并发症,并分析了发生的原因,提出了针对性的预防护理措施。
《Observation and Nursing Care During Treatment of Headache with HeNe Laser Intravascular Radiation》Abstract 48 patient with hypertensive or vascular headache were theated with low energy HeNe laser intravascular radiation.The result showed that ILIB could 提要低能量氦氖激光血管内照射治疗高血压病头痛及血管神经性头痛48例,结果显示此法能较好地缓解症状,并且以治疗两个疗程(10次)为佳,治疗过程中无明显不良反应。

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