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Premature rupture of membranes was associated with intrapartum stillbirth among whites and African Americans, but intrapartum feer was associated with intrapartum stillbirth among African Americans.

Preloading design: The heaped loads, preloading stages and preloading speeds can be calculated according to the settlement and bearing capacity requirements of subsoil. 加压设计:根据工程对地基沉降及承载力的要求,通过计算确定堆载的大小、分级和加载速率控制等。
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun is now so familiar that we can't imagine how its revolutionary textures and form stirred audiences when it was new. 《牧农神下午的序曲》现在聆听起来如此熟悉,以至于我们无法想象他革命性的乐曲结构和形式在当时是如何广泛传播与听众之中的。
Premature and low birthweight babies run the risk of developmental problems and a greater likelihood of serious chronic illness. 早产儿和低体重儿会有发育发面的问题和更大的有严重的慢性病的危险。
Premature ejaculation Ejaculation before the man wants it to occur. 早泻:在男子希望射精之前就射出。
Premature rupture of membranes occurred in four cases (7.7%), and preterm delivery in 20 (38.4%). 4名患者(7.7%)发生胎膜早破,20例患者发生早产(38.4%)。
Premature rupture of membranes was associated with intrapartum stillbirth among whites and African Americans, but intrapartum feer was associated with intrapartum stillbirth among African Americans. 对于白人及非裔美国人,胎膜早破与分娩期内死产有意义,而产时发热仅对非裔美国人发生非裔美国人有意义。
Premeditation - Fixed a bug where the combo points gained using the ability were not properly removed after the duration expired. Also increased range and duration. 预谋-使用技能所得到的连击点在时限过后将不会消失,同时,我们延长了它的使用距离和时限。
Premeditation will have its Energy requirement removed, changed to an instant cast, and range increased. Its cooldown will remain the same. Premeditation will now be pre-reqd by Preperation. 发动预谋所需的能量值被移除,变为瞬发,射程增加。但其冷却时间不变。现在预谋需要预备天赋作为其前置。
Premier MediCare Services Limited reserves the right to accept or refuse any membership application without offering any reason therefor. 卓纪保健有限公司保留接纳或拒绝申请人申请成为会员的权利而无需提供原因。
Premier MediCare Services Limited reserves the right to the interpretation of the above terms and conditions. 卓纪保健有张公司有权保留对上述条款的最终解释权。
Premier Wen Jiabao said in mid-March that some local governments were behind rising rural unrest, violating laws and regulations and harming the public's interests in land requisition, housing demolitions and business restructuring. 总理温在三月中旬曾说,一些地方政府正在造成农村不安状态的加剧,违反法律法规,在土地征用、房屋拆迁和商业架构重组过程中损害国家利益。

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