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An investigation with recreational athletes on a treadmill has shown that Pycnogenol? increased endurance.

An investigation into employment of 2001's graduates was made by distributing questionnaires. 摘要通过问卷形式对我院2001年会计专业毕业生的就业情况进行了调查。
An investigation is made on the effect of plasma temperature and pressure on surface chemical composition, physical surface properties and biocompatibility of material. 结果表明,温度、压力对表面修饰层胺浓度有较大的影响。
An investigation on the raw water quality in 12 typical cities in south China, such as Wuhan, Changsha, and Chengdu etc., was conducted to assess the impact of raw water quality on drinking water supply in cites. 摘要对中国南方地区具有代表性的武汉、长沙、成都等12个城市饮用水水源的水质状况进行了调查、监测与分析,结果显示,南方地区的水源普遍存在著低浊、高藻、微污染的特徵。
An investigation shows that many emigrant s think that working at city provide them&nbs p;with not only a higher salary but also ;the opportunity of learning new skills. 一项调查显示许多民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到一些新技术。
An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. 调查表明失业率每增长1%,死亡率相应增长2%。
An investigation with recreational athletes on a treadmill has shown that Pycnogenol? increased endurance. 一个关于健身运动员踏车的调查显示碧萝芷?能够增强耐力。
An investigative story by Xinhua last June said a high rate of cancer deaths has become a reality in areas where the environment is heavily polluted. 新华社去年六月的一则调查报道称,癌症高死亡率在一些污染严重的地区已成为事实。
An investigator into the drug overdose death of Marilyn Monroe 43 years ago Friday still is not convinced she killed herself. 43年前,玛丽莲·梦露因服用过量安眠药而离开人世。上周五(8月5日),一位调查人员经过调查仍然不相信玛丽莲·梦露是自杀的。
An investigator may not suspend investigation of a case before a decision is made on his withdrawal. 对侦查人员的回避作出决定前,侦查人员不能停止对案件的侦查。
An investment bank is an i titution that can act as an agent or underwriter for companies that wish to i ue securities or equity. 投资银行是能够充当想要发行有价证券或股票的公司代理人或担保人的机构。
An investment bank is an institution that can act as an agent or underwriter for companies that wish to issue securities or equity. 投资银行是能够充当想要发行有价证券或股票的公司代理人或担保人的机构。

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