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Printer configuration can be a complex topic.

Print working directory on remote machine. 打印远程计算机上的当前目录。
Printed fabrics Style - say on Flowers,small or big and natuaral sceneries drawings or any desgns. (花卉,大的或是小的风景画或是其他图形。)
Printed in grey, in a horizontal band across a white shirt, is the story of Herbert Chapman, the club's manager between 1925 and 1934. 在白色球衣中间一条横带上,以灰色字母书写的,是俱乐部1925到1934年间主教练查普曼的故事。
Printed on acid-free paper. 可浏览文摘。
Printed or typewritten characters; print. 印刷字印刷的或打字机打的字;印刷物
Printer configuration can be a complex topic. 打印机配置可能是一个复杂的主题。
Printers, photocopiers and fax machines are modern office appliances. 打印机、复印机和传真机是现代办公用具。
Printers: Magazines and newspapers will switch to digital paper. 印刷商:杂志和报纸将改用数码纸。
Printing Although this chapter is restricted to the video display, almost everything you learn here can be applied to printing. I discuss printing in Chapter 13. 打印-尽管本章受限于视频显示器,但是几乎你在这里学到的每一样都可以应用于打印。我在第13章中讨论打印。
Printing House of Northeast University of Finance &Economics,was established in 1979,has made great contributions to the teaching and scientific research of the Northeast University ofFinance &Economics for 20 years.Especially since the 1990's,as a s 东北财经大学印刷厂,始建于一九七六年,二十多年来为东北财经大学的教学、科研做出了较大的贡献,特别是进入九十年代,该厂做为国家教委世界银行贷款“教材开发项目”的子项目单位,完成投资1000万元人民币,彻底淘汰了原有落后的印刷设备,使该厂步入了现代化印刷企业的行列。
Printing House of Northeast University of Finance &Economics,was established in 1979,has made great contributions to the teaching and scientific research of the Northeast University ofFinance &Economics for 20 years.Especially since the 1990's,as a state 东北财经大学印刷厂,始建于一九七六年,二十多年来为东北财经大学的教学、科研做出了较大的贡献,特别是进入九十年代,该厂做为国家教委世界银行贷款“教材开发项目”的子项目单位,完成投资1000万元人民币,彻底淘汰了原有落后的印刷设备,使该厂步入了现代化印刷企业的行列。

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