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All 118 leaders and activists detained last Tuesday in Harare have been released.

All ,right-minded people will be surely shocked by this outrage . 凡是有正义感的人都一定会对这种暴行感到震惊.
All ,right-minded people will be surely shocked by this outrage. 凡是有正义感的人都一定会对这种暴行感到震惊.
All .American citizens have the right to equal treatment in places of public entertainment according to their behavior and deserts. 所有美国公民均应根据其行为和品德,有权在公共娱乐场所享有平好待遇。
All .NET developers must become aware of these topics. 所有的开发者必须了解这些问题。
All 0.17 square miles of it! 其面积总共只有0.17平方英里!
All 118 leaders and activists detained last Tuesday in Harare have been released. 上星期二被拘留的118个领袖和活跃分子已全部获释放。
All 16 former KPMG partners named in the indictment - who include Jeffrey Stein, former deputy head of its US business - were charged with conspiracy to defraud the IRS and tax evasion. 这16人中,有3人还被指控妨碍美国税务局调查毕马威避税产品案件。另有3人及毕马威前税务经理被控逃避个人税收。
All 165 people on the jet made it out safely. 最后飞机上的165名乘客全部安全逃离危险。
All 186 people aboard the flight from Porto Alegre died in the fireball, as well as several more on the ground, making this the worst disaster in the history of civil aviation in Brazil. 这架由阿里格雷港起飞的班机上全部186名乘客与机组人员和7位陆上人员在爆炸中全部丧生,这起空难成为巴西历史上最大的空难。
All 199 guestrooms and suites offer tranquil view over the Qiongzhou Straits, are equipped with broadband Internet access and all amenities that one would expect from an international-class deluxe hotel. 饭店199间客房能从不同角度欣赏到平静宽阔的琼州海峡,房间内设置宽带上网接口,大堂酒廊及咖啡厅能实现无线宽带上网,充分体现出饭店的商务智能化特色。
All 20 escaped the fire unhurt and have been accused by some parents and officials of abandoning their students. 20位逃过火灾,没有受到伤害的老师被一些家长和警察控告遗弃他们的学生。

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