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The yet-to-be-named male giraffe was born at the zoo August 17, coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds, and growing.

The yen hit a record high in trading today. 在今日的交易中, 日元已升值到历史的最高水平.
The yen is much more undervalued today than it was then. 而现在日元所受的低估要远远超过当年的情况。
The yen might be anything between 18% overvalued and 29% undervalued, depending on which model you trust. 日元可能处在低估17%到高估29%之内的任何水平,这取决于你所信任的模型是哪一个。
The yen slipped against the greenback, trading at 120.34, down 0.78 yen. 日元对美元的汇率以120.34兑1美元收盘,下跌0.78日元。
The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement. 那场运动后,自耕农再也不能拥有并在他们自己的土地上耕耘了。
The yet-to-be-named male giraffe was born at the zoo August 17, coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds, and growing. 这头尚未取名的雄性长颈鹿8月17日在该动物园出生,出生时个头巨大,高6英尺4英寸,体重158磅,而且还在长高。
The yield index system of South China super rice that determined by the duration and quality of the varieties and combination was put forward according to the special climate and ecological environment condition in South China and the rapid quality course 并针对华南稻区品种具有特殊的地理生态型和季节生态型以及品种优质化进程较快的特点,提出了以品种生育期和品质等级为确定依据的华南超级稻指标体系。
The yield is almost the percent. 回报率在白分之十.
The yield of a bond to maturity takes into account the price discount from or premium over the face amount. 考虑基于面值的价格折扣或者价格升溢时,债券的到期收益率。
The yield of benzaldehyde obtained by using the modified anode containing immobilized hydroquinone was better/worse than that obtained with a Pt anode without/with hydroquinone in solution, repectively. 由苯二酚固定于白金之电极所得苯甲醛之产率分别白金电极无/有苯二酚存在于溶液中之产率为高/低。
The yield of walnuts, chestnut, persimmons and other forest products ranks top in the province. 1119 species of traditional Chinese medical herbs have an output of over 10,000 tons per year. 林特产品核桃、板栗、柿子、生漆等产量居全省之首,种药材达1119种,年产万吨以上。

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