Asia's Green Revolution centered on wheat(whith ) and rice. But experts say no single crop will revolutionize farming in Africa because farmers there grow a mixture of different crops.
亚洲的绿色革命中心是小麦和稻谷.但专家说在非洲靠单一的农作物并不能使目前的农耕发生根本性改变,因为当地的农民混合种植不同的农作物. |
Asia's Green Revolution centreed on wheat and rice. But experts say no single crop will revolutionize farming in Africa, because farmers there grow a mixture of different crops.
亚洲的绿色革命集中在小麦和大米。但是专家称在非洲没有哪一种农作物可以单独引发农业革命,因为那儿的农户们都混着种农作物。 |
Asia's growth has changed the global economy in a lot of ways, mostly for the better.
亚洲的增长已经在很多方面改善了世界经济。 |
Asia's imports rose faster than in the preceding year and faster than world trade but continued to lag behind its export growth.
亚洲的进口在过去的一年相比世界贸易高速增长,但仍然远远落后于他的出口增长。 |
Asia's persistent current account surpluses and undervalued currencies could add to pressures to erect barriers in the US and Europe if things turn bad.
在情况恶化时,亚洲持续的经常账户盈余和货币低估,可能会加大美国和欧洲建立贸易壁垒的压力。 |
Asia's policymakers should resolve to start doing so in earnest this year, while the going is still good.
亚洲决策者应该趁形势依然很好的时候,下定决心在今年认真开始行动。 |
Asia's prudence in the past ten years now offers global investors a relatively safe haven.
在过去十年里,亚洲国家苦心经营经济,现在向国际投资人提供了安全区。 |
Asia's top advisers are expected to receive a total of between $700,000 and $800,000.
预计亚洲顶尖顾问将获得总计70万至80万美元的收入。 |
Asia's top ten parks recorded attendance growth of 4.4% in 2006, much of it driven by Hong Kong Disneyland's first full year of operation.
2006,亚洲前十位的主题乐园到访率增长了4.4%,其中的很多是由第一次全年运营的香港迪斯尼乐园贡献的。 |
Asia's workforce is expected to increase by 221m to 2bn by 2015 as countries such as Iran, Bhutan, Cambodia and Pakistan continue to benefit from a rise in the proportion of “prime working-age” people, between 25 and 54.
到2015年前,亚洲劳动力数量预计将增加2.21亿,至20亿,因为伊朗、不丹、柬埔寨和巴基斯坦等国继续受益于处于“最佳工作年龄”人口比例的上升,这一年龄介于25岁至54岁之间。 |
Asia's youth are often characterized as money-grubbing 'me-firsters.' But increasingly, the region's new rich are looking to help others.
亚洲年轻人往往被归类为「唯我独尊」抢钱一族,但这个地区的新富阶级愈来愈以助人为乐。 |