Both views go against the view of scientific development.
二者都是与科学发展观背道而驰的。 |
Both violet and indigo are considered to have substantial therapeutic powers, calming those in emotional states and promoting calmness.
紫罗兰色和靛蓝色都被认为拥有举足轻重的治疗作用,能镇定情绪和令人心情平静。 |
Both volcanoes and impacts eject enormous quantities of toxic pollutants such as ash, sulfur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, triggering severe climate change and environmental degradation.
火山爆发与陨石撞击都会喷出大量有毒的污染物到大气中,例如灰烬、硫化物与二氧化碳,导致气候变迁、环境恶化。 |
Both want to get their networks ready by year-end and have said they will offer 3G services next year.
意图合并的两家公司都希望年内能将各自的网络系统准备妥当,以期明年推出3G服务。 |
Both want “more Europe” in response to globalisation, differing from the British chancellor, Gordon Brown, who thinks that globalisation weakens the case for regional blocks such as the EU.
两种思想都希望“更加一体化的欧洲”以应对全球化,这与英国财政大臣戈登·布朗意见相左,他认为全球化进程削弱了欧盟这样的区域集团存在的理由。 |
Both water and power is in good supply and it has two 110,000 volt transformer stations.
自来水供应充足,电力充裕,拥有11万伏变电站两座。 |
Both we and the Chinese approached that first opening toward each other with caution, uncertainty, even trepidation.
我们和中国人双方都是怀着谨慎、不安甚至是惶恐的心情来相互探讨这初次的接触。 |
Both weight loss and earnings growth are limited by the available fat. Its depletion leaves your body craving food and your customers craving nourishment.
减肥和收益增长都受制于脂肪的多寡。脂肪没了,你的身体就会对食物产生欲望,你的客户就会呼唤营养。 |
Both were arrested and charged.
两人都被拘捕并受到指控。 |
Both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire sequence.
当2人都被唤醒时,她们对整个场景全部遗忘。 |
Both were invented by master mixer Michael Brown, who says roughly equal sales of the two drinks mirrors splits in the electorate.
这两种鸡尾酒都是由调酒高手迈克尔·布朗创制的。他认为这两款酒的销量大致持平,反映了选民在选举总统时的分歧。 |