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The lion devoured the food.

The links below are online references for additional resources in the fields of probability and causality in human cognitive science. 下面的链接是有关人类认知科学中概率论和因果关系领域的额外在线参考资料。
The links between political equality and democracy, on the one hand, and fundamental rights, liber-ties, and opportunities, on the other, run even deeper. 一方面,在政治平等、民主与基本权利、自由、机会之间存在着联系;另一方面,这一联系可能会更加深入。
The linnet is a small brown songbird. 红雀是一种棕色会叫的小鸟。
The lintels lie flat on the standing stones. 史前巨石柱中的大部分石头排列成不完整的圆圈形式。
The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity. 狮子凶猛地扑向猎物。
The lion devoured the food. 那只狮子狼吞虎咽的吃那些食物。
The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin. 12公狮为小狮撕碎许多食物,为母狮掐死活物,把撕碎的,掐死的充满它的洞穴。
The lion had sharp claws and teeth; the eagle had wing the turtle had a hard shell; but man, although he stood upright with his face toward the stars, had no weapon with which he could defend himself. 狮子有锐利的爪和牙齿;老鹰有翅膀;乌龟有坚硬的外壳;尽管人类脸朝着星星直立行走,却没有武器来保护自己。
The lion had sharp claws and teeth; the eagle had wings; the turtle had a hard shell; but man, although he stood upright with his face toward the stars, had no weapon with which he could defend himself. 狮子有锐利的爪和牙齿;老鹰有翅膀;乌龟有坚硬的外壳;尽管人类脸朝着星星直立行走,却没有武器来保护自己。
The lion has roared-Who will not fear? The Lord Jehovah has spoken-Who can but prophesy? 8狮子吼叫,谁不惧怕呢?主耶和华说了话,谁能不申言呢?
The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy? 8狮子吼叫,谁不惧怕呢。主耶和华发命,谁能不说预言呢。

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