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But persistent violence, political instability and shattered infrastructure have deterred many foreign investors and the Afghan diaspora from making big-ticket investments.

But perhaps the most astonishing development will occur in space flight. 但惊人的发展也许将出现在宇宙飞行方面。
But perhaps the most intriguing—albeit ambivalent—adopter of Confucianism is the Communist Party itself. 但可能最有意思的——尽管也是有些矛盾的——就是儒家思想复兴的推手正是共产党自己。
But perhaps the most significant snag to running a bug auction is a legal one. 但运作漏洞拍卖,最大的困难可能还是在法律方面。
But perhaps this bubble indicator needs revising. 但是,也许这项泡沫指标需要一些修正。
But permission is not prescription. 但可能并不等于找到了答案。
But persistent violence, political instability and shattered infrastructure have deterred many foreign investors and the Afghan diaspora from making big-ticket investments. 但持续的暴力事件、政治动荡和遭到严重破坏的基础设施,已令很多外国投资者和散居国外的阿富汗人不敢在此进行大笔投资。
But pessimists reckon that having the best and brightest working abroad, often in menial jobs, is a dreadful loss. 但悲观者却认为最好、最有前途的人都在国外工作,多数人都从事着不体面的工作,这是可怕的浪费。
But pet owners turning to the courts for redress over the loss of a loved one will notice that people and animals are still different in law. 但那些为自己失去的心爱宠物向法院索取赔偿的人们将会认识到,在法律上人与动物仍有不同。
But phones are no longer just used to make calls. 但如今电话的用处已不仅仅是打电话。
But physically, the way I look, it doesn't occur. 但它可没按我想的那样发展。
But physicists are convinced they are incomplete, and are determined to discover precisely where they fail. 但物理学家们确信那些东西并不完美,并且决定要精确地找出那些错误的地方。

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