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I open my memo and confirm the schedule by telephone the moment I stride into the office everyday.

I only wanted to add one little rider to what you were saying. 我只是想对你说的附加一点意见。
I only wear a tie on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合才打领带。
I only wear high heels on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合穿高跟鞋。
I open a letter of credit in Renmi i with a bank in U.S.A. 我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。
I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in U.S.A. 我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。
I open my memo and confirm the schedule by telephone the moment I stride into the office everyday. 我每天一跨进办公室,就立刻打开备忘录,用电话确认今天的日程安排。
I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands. 131我张口而气喘.因我切慕你的命令。
I open my mouth to deny it, too panic-stricken even to be taken abck by her percipience. But all I manage to babble is: The other one, the othe one! 拙译:她这灵机一触的确把我吓得六神无主,但即便如此,我还是想张口否认。可是,我却只懂得嘟嚷着说道:“是另一幅,另一幅!”
I open my wallet and found it empty, reachedinto my pocket and found few cion, searched my life and I found you ! Then I realizedhow rich am I ! 我打开钱包发现里面已经空了,我把手伸进口袋摸不到一枚硬币,而当我在生活中寻找时,我找到了你!于是我明白了自己有多么富有!
I open my wallet, find no money; I open my pocket, find no coin; I open my life, find you, then I know how rich I am! 我打开了我的钱包,发现没有钱;我打开了我的口袋,发现没有硬币;我打开了我的生活,发现了你,我才发现我是多么的富有!
I open the eyes both eyes closelyto stare at from my side process each person, for fear that can missyou. 我睁着双眼紧紧地盯着从我身边经过的每一个人,生怕会错过你。

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