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He added that until two or three years ago India‘s government was in denial modeover the issue of HIV in a country known for its traditionally prudish attitudes toward sex.

He added that the results also illuminate a gap between the male executives who are marketing the magazines and the consumers. 他说,这个研究结果也让我们看到做女性杂志市场营销的男业务员对女性消费者还不够了解。
He added that the use of pneumatic compression pumps as a potential treatment has fallen into disfavor because of old, poorly substantiated claims that the use of pumps can actually create more problems than they solve. 他补充说,间歇性充气加压法作为一个很有潜力的治疗方法却正在逐渐失宠,因为方法古老,又很少有人出来证明使用这个方法确实有效。
He added that the virus can be killed by wiping alcohol on infected areas. 他补充道,该病毒可以通过在感染区域涂抹酒精的方式被杀死.
He added that there will be what he described as enhanced air marshal work on trans-Atlantic flights, with special attention to Britain. 他补充说对于英国的关注,我们会有一个到大西洋彼岸的“提升空军戒备训练”。
He added that there will be what he described as enhanced air marshal workon trans-Atlantic flights, with special attention to Britain. 他又补充到他将阐述在跨越大西洋的航班上会“加强空军警备工作”,特别要注意到英国的航班。
He added that until two or three years ago India‘s government was in denial modeover the issue of HIV in a country known for its traditionally prudish attitudes toward sex. 他说,做为一个一向以性观念十分保守而著称的国度,印度政府直到2、3年以前还依然否定该国存在着颇为严重的艾滋病问题。
He added that westwards from that island, there were the three islands of Cronus, to where proud and warlike men used to come from the continent beyond the islands, in order to offer sacrifice to the gods of the ocean. 他补充说,从岛屿上向西行,有三个巨人克罗诺斯的岛屿,以前从大陆而来,是妄自尊大和好战的人,为了给海上的众神献祭。
He added the government should also unveil heavy punishments for environmental pollution and promote or demote local officials in accordance with their performance in helping to save energy and protect environment. 他建议,政府应该公开对环境污染行爲的严重惩罚,根据节约能源和保护环境的情况,对当地职员实行奖惩措施。
He added the state's animal husbandry department would organize the test to determine the paternity of the animal.Village elders said the cost of the test would be borne by the villager found to be making the false claim of ownership. 安得拉邦的动物管理部门将亲自出面负责本次检测工作的具体实施,以便最终判定该水牛到底与其它哪头牛具有父子关系,检测所需的全部费用将由那位最后被证明并非该水牛主人的村民来承担。
He added up the list of figures and ruled it off neatly. 他将那一栏数字加起来,之后很整洁地在下面划了一条直线。
He added zero rebounds to his zero first-half points, and did not get a field goal until four minutes into the second half. 半场时除了0分,他还是0板,直到下半场第4分钟才投进了全场的第一个球。

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