Under its former apartheidsystem, numerous black rights movement activists were tortured and murdered, but [the South African authorities] claimed that they died by hanging themselves.
过去在种族隔离制度下,许多黑人人权领导者都受到刑求与杀害,但是却对外宣称他们是上吊自杀的。 |
Under its new conductor , the errorism Act.
根据防止恐怖活动法案,拘留了六名疑犯. |
Under its new conductor, the errorism Act.
根据防止恐怖活动法案, 拘留了六名疑犯. |
Under legal agreements made during that time, the Buendia dam is still obliged to relinquish enormous quantities of its precious water to quench the thirst of residents living in Murcia in Southern Spain where the climate is even drier.
按照当时的法律协议,布温迪亚水坝要放出大量极为宝贵的水来解决生活在西班牙南部穆尔西亚的居民的缺水问题,因为那里的气候更干旱。 |
Under light microscopy with H.E. stain, subcapsular brown opacities are found in cataractous lens.
取出之混浊水晶体,H.E染色可见前囊下棕色色素沈积。 |
Under linear demand and cost functions, we have reached the following main conclusions: (1) the capitalist selects his optimal location at the market with the smaller demand under the two pricing policies; (2) total output under mill pricing is higher tha
在线性需求与成本函数的假设下,本文得到的结论是:(1)在此二订价制度下,资本家均会将购物中心设立于需求较小之市场而有角隅解,但在「运费外加」的情况下,则可能得到中间解;(2)单一出厂订价之产量高于单一运送订价之产量;(3)厂商偏好采用单一出厂订价,但资本家之偏好则未定;(4)单一出厂订价之社会福利必定高于单一运送订价之社会福利;(5)单一运送价格制度下最适厂商家数之多寡随支付给资本家权利金之比率增加而减少。 |
Under load conditions, the stress-producing characteristics of the dowel increased with shorter lengths and smaller diameters.
而根柱较短其应力集中也是较明显,直径较大者则稍形缓和。 |
Under long-term seepage condition the soil could be improved and became non-dispersive because the sodium-ion in soil could be moved away and the calcium-ion in river water could enter into the soil.
在长期的渗流条件下土样中钠离子随水流易迁移,河水中的钙离子含量大,进入土体后能抑制土样的分散性,促使土体向非散性的方向发展。 |
Under low power, note that the normal architecture of the lymph node is obliterated.
低倍镜下已经看不到正常的淋巴结结构。 |
Under modem conditions ,this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.
在模拟条件下,这要求采用多种中央集权控制的手段,因此也就需要如经济学家、运作分析师等专业科学家的帮助。 |
Under modem conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.
在模拟条件下,这需要各种集中的调控并因此需要诸如经济学家和动态分析师等专家们的帮助。 |