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Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a listening ear.

Like almost all spiders they are venomous, but they rarely bite people, and there has never been a reliable report of a human death from the venom. 就和所有蜘蛛一样,它们是有毒的,但是它们很少去咬人,也从来没有过可靠的报道表明因为它们的毒液致人死亡。
Like an angel-this is the greatness of our people. 像天使一样――这便是我们的人民的伟大之所在。
Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. 3我的良人在男子中,如同苹果树在树林中。
Like an archer who wounds at random is he who hires a fool or any passer-by. 10雇愚昧人的,与雇过路人的,就像射伤众人的弓箭手。
Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold Is a wise reprover to a listening ear. 12智慧人的责备,在听从的人耳中,好像,好像金耳环和精金的妆饰。
Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a listening ear. 12智慧人的劝戒,在顺从的人耳中,好像金耳环,和精金的妆饰。
Like an eternal promise and oath, Midnight Fragrance, which beautifully embodies the frosty winter with its intense and enchanting notes, is once again available in a limited edition. 仿若一句永恒的承诺和誓言,洛俪塔·夜轻拈热忱而妩媚的香调,典藏一季霜冬,并以限量版的形式重现于世。
Like an increasing number of Quebeckers, Mr Dumont refuses to define himself as either a federalist or a separatist. 和越来越多的魁北克人一样,杜蒙拒绝把自己定性为联邦主义者或者是分离主义者。
Like an insecure teenager, we shout obscenities, mistaking disdain for interest. 喜欢一个不安全的青少年,我们呼喊淫秽,为兴趣犯错轻蔑。
Like an opera or a musical's overture, “Introduction” hints at what is to come later in the album. 《序曲》像是一场歌剧或音乐剧的前奏曲,目的在暗示大家接下来在专辑里将发生的事。
Like an own-brand box of cornflakes: he's going to let you down my friend. 就像一盒杂牌的脆玉米片:他最终会带你走向崩溃,我的朋友!

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