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Chinese Adult Sunday School Fall Registration: classes begin on Sun. Sept. 2, 9:30am. Please observe the registration form and fill it out ASAP.

China”s legislature Thursday made a decision to raise the cutoff point of the monthly personal income tax from the current 800 yuan to 1,600 yuan, effective from Jan. 1, 2006. 星期二中国立法机构做出决定,将每月个人所得税的征收从800元提升到1600元,并从2006年1月开始生效。
China′s top negotiator will be Vice Premier Wu Yi. 中国最高谈判者将会是副总理吴仪。
China, as the biggest developing country, is also closely following the evolvement of the new economy and making in-depth study on the opportunities and challenges arising thereof. 同时中国将立足自己的国情,努力创造适宜新经济发展的环境,积极主动地参与经济全球化的进程,迎接新经济发展带来的机遇和挑战。
Chinchow, however, fell and with it 120,000 troops while the Liao Army Group was just a little way out of Mukden. 但是,廖兵团刚开出沈阳不远,锦州便告失守,防守该城的十二万蒋军全军覆没。
Chineese believe that the public voice, thoughts and philosophical viewpoint are the most important in science development. 中国人认为科技发展中,舆论,思想和哲学观是第一位的。
Chinese Adult Sunday School Fall Registration: classes begin on Sun. Sept. 2, 9:30am. Please observe the registration form and fill it out ASAP. 九月二日上午九时三十分开始上课,请看今日报名单,并尽快报名。
Chinese American soldiers of the U.S. Army Signal Corps are photographed on parade before being deployed to the CBI Theater of Operations. 美国陆军通讯兵连的中美士兵在部署中缅印军事行动战场之前在阅兵场的阅兵。
Chinese Arrow-head grows very well. 慈菇生长得茂盛。
Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai says Chinese President Hu Jingtao will present China's prepositions on climate change at the upcoming outreach session of the G8 Summit. 中国外交部部长助理崔天凯表示,中国国家主席胡锦涛将在即将到来的八国峰会对话会期间就气候变化问题阐述中国的看法和主张。
Chinese Character Reference Database is playing an important role at Chinese information processing, especiallySat input method development. 摘要任何一种中文输入法的研究中都会遇到码本的处理问题。
Chinese Character history phenomenon in the Chinese refers to some phenomena what some aspects showed, such as: Chinese glossary, trope and so on; directly correlate to characters' font style. 摘要“汉语中的汉字化现象”,是指汉语的词汇、修辞表达等方面所呈现的、与汉字的字形结构直接相关的一些现象。

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