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Discrete approach with 15'×15' grid is adopted in order to numerically simulate and calculate the gravitational potential field generated by the homogeneous rotation-symmetric ellipsoid, and it is verified that the method, the fictitious compress-recovery

Discovery's launch was delayed for two weeks while engineers searched for the cause of an elusive problem with one of its hydrogen fuel-level sensors during the first launch attempt on July 13. “发现”号原定于7月13日发射,但是由于其中一个液氢燃料传感器发生故障,工程师花费了两个星期来寻找造成这个难题的原因,“发现”号也不得不推迟至本周二发射。
Discreating fourier transform is a vital means in signal analysis. It transforms the in-time signal into the in-frequency signal. 离散傅立叶变换是信号分析中的一种重要手段,它将时域信号转换违频域信号。
Discreet replacements of senior military personnel also took place at that time. 而对于高级军事人员的悄然撤换也发生在那个时候。
Discrepancies between model predictions and observational data might arise simply because the widely accepted guess for disk turbulence is wrong. 模型的预测与观测数据间的矛盾,很可能起因于这个被广泛接受、关于圆盘乱流的猜测根本就是错误的。
Discrepancies, even at the best-run plants, can amount to many bombs' worth. 即便是在运转最佳的设备里,这些损差也相当于多枚炸弹的所需量。
Discrete approach with 15'×15' grid is adopted in order to numerically simulate and calculate the gravitational potential field generated by the homogeneous rotation-symmetric ellipsoid, and it is verified that the method, the fictitious compress-recovery 摘要采用15'×15'网格离散化手段对均质旋转对称椭球体产生的引力位场进行了数值模拟计算,在相对精度优于10^(-4)的水平上,验证了引力位虚拟压缩恢复法以及重力场虚拟向下延拓法的可靠性和有效性。
Discrete fourier transform is a vital means of signal analysis. It transforms the in-time signal into the in-frequency signal. 离散傅立叶变换是信号分析中的一种重要手段,它将时域信号转换违频域信号。
Discrete time survival analysis was used to estimate depressive events risk. 生存分离率用于分析抑郁症发病风险。
Discrete wavelet transform generates low-order wavelet details that keep invariant with the total order number; while changing the total order number can only increase wavelet details of the highest orders and degree of smoothness of the final approximati 离散二维小波变换产生的低阶小波细节具有尺度不变的特徵,它们不随小波变换的总阶数改变,而总阶数的增加仅增加高阶小波细节的个数和改变最后的高阶逼近。
Discrete, annular, scaly, erythematous patches and plaques at photo-exposed areas are typical cutaneous lesions of neonatal lupus erythematosus. 它是一种可以影响到胎儿全身许多器官及系统的疾病。
Discretion in the administrative areas of development have a double-edged sword role in improving administrative efficiency and resolve law lagging behind and limitations play a tremendous role in the abuse at the same time may have. 自由裁量权在行政领域的发展产生了双刃剑作用,在提高行政效能和解决法的滞后、局限性方面发挥巨大作用的同时产生滥用的可能。

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