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The chances are a hundred to one against you.

The chance will present itself to be giving of your time, giving of your money, but mostly, to be giving of yourselves, of your own heart and soul. 机会将出现在你面前,需要你贡献出时间、金钱,但更多的是奉献你自己、你的善心和灵魂。
The chancellor is the most powerful man in the Austrian government. 首相是奥地利政府最有实权的人。
The chancellor is very clear about that.Excuse me. 议长对那非常清楚.失陪一下.
The chancellor seems to accept that hers is perforce a cautious, caretaker government. 默克尔总理似乎早已认清她的现任政府不过是一个如履薄冰的过渡期政府。
The chances are (that) she's already heard the news. 可能她已经听到那则消息了。
The chances are a hundred to one against you. 你只有百分之一成功的可能。
The chances are against the enemy. 形势对敌人不利。
The chances are that our team will finish at the top of the league table. As our remaining matches aren't too difficult. 由于我们队余下的比赛不太艰难,我们队在结束时有可能在联赛表上名列前茅。
The chances are that phones will not only look very different—they may not even be seen. 电话可能不仅会看上去十分不同--你可能会根本看不见它们。
The chances are that the latter tendency is just as traceable to brain mechanics as the former; it is merely that no one has yet looked. 天生倾向很可能与后天变异一样,都能被仪器发现,只不过以前从来没有人检查过而已。
The chances are the war will continue until Mr Olmert can point to some sort of achievement. 机会是直到战争获得奥尔默特先生能指出的那种成果时为止。

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