Marcello Lippi warns he does not want to end his sabbatical just yet, so the list of names to lead Juventus extends to Gianluca Vialli, Walter Novellino and others.
马谢洛.里皮此前不久对外称,他现在还不想结束他的“休假日”,因此,与尤文联系在一起的名单扩展到了詹卢卡.维阿利,沃尔特.诺维利诺以及其他一些教练。 |
Marcellus claims that the survivors of the sinking Atlantis migrated to Western Europe.
马尔凯卢斯断言沉没的亚特兰蒂斯的生还者移居到欧洲西部。 |
Marcel∝s trainer, Nerissa Pulizer, said of her charge: If Marcel were human, she∝d be Meryl Streep.
马塞尔的训练者内里莎·普利泽则说:“如果马塞尔是人的话,她就是梅里尔·斯特里普。” |
March 11, 2006 is doomed to be an unforgettable day. That day, Jinan's temperature fell to below 0 from 10 oddly. Bur our fervor let the sun warm the cold winter.
2006年3月11日,是一个注定难忘的日子。这一天,济南的气温奇迹般的从10多度降到零下;这一天,我们的激情让寒冷的冬天阳光灿烂。 |
March 11, 2006 was doomed to be an unforgettable day. That day, Jinan's temperature fell to below 0 from 10 oddly. Bur our fervor let the sun warm the cold winter.
2006年3月11日,是一个注定难忘的日子。这一天,济南的气温奇迹般的从10多度降到零下;这一天,我们的激情让寒冷的冬天阳光灿烂。 |
March 15 is The World Consumer Right Day.
3月15日是国际消费者权益日。 |
March 16, 2007, China promulgated the PRC enterprise income tax law,This law will be January 1, 2008 has come into effect.
2007年3月16日,我国公布了《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》,该法将于2008年1月1日起施行。 |
March 17, 2006: Spring meets fountains in Miami, U.S.
迈阿密其实没有春天,因为在美国南部,它一直是很暖和的。 |
March 1998 to July 198, Receiving off-job training at Shandong Economic Management Cadre Institute. Coursework includes: study of management of enterprise, Marketing, international laws of commerce.
1998年3月至1998年7月,在山东虱济管理干部学院接受脱产培训。课程包括:企业管理学、市场营销、国脊商法。 |
March 1998 to July 1998, receiving off-job training at Shandong Economic Management Cadre Institute. Coursework includes: Study of Management of Enterprise, Marketing, International Laws of Commerce.
1998年3月至1998年7月,在山东省经济管理干部学院接受脱产培训。课程包括:企业管理学、市场营销、国际商法。 |
March 2, 1933, Japan Sanriku tsunami waters and the waves 29 meters.
1933年3月2日,日本三陆海域发生海啸,浪高29米。 |