1910 Mark Twain, American writer, author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, died at Reading in Connecticut.
美国作家,《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利·芬历险记》的作者马克·吐温在康涅狄格州雷丁逝世。 |
1911 The city of Leeds introduced Britain′s first trolley-bus service.
利兹市成为英国第一个使用无轨电车的城市。 |
1912 Cancer cells are grown in the laboratory, the first long-term tissue culture.
1912年,癌细胞在实验室中生长,首次长时间的组织培养. |
1914 Cyprus was annexed to British on the outbreak of war with Turkey.
英土战争爆发,英国吞并塞浦路斯。 |
1916 Sir Hiram Maxim, English-born American inventor of machine-gun in 1883, died in London.
1883年发明机枪的英裔美国人海勒姆·马克沁在伦敦去世。 |
1917 The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, overthrew Alexander Kerensky′s government in Petrograd.
在彼得格勒,列宁领导布尔什维克推翻了克伦斯基政府。 |
1917 The first contingent of the American Expeditionary Force landed in France in World War I, with General John Pershing commander-in-chief.
在第一次世界大战中,以约翰·珀欣将军为总司令的美国远征军的第一分遣队在法国登陆。 |
1918 The Royal Air Force was formed, by the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.
英国皇家飞行队和皇家海军航空部队合并,成立英国皇家空军。 |
1918 The last Tsar, Nicholas Ⅱ, was murdered with his 5 children.
俄国末代皇尼古拉二世以及他的5个孩子被谋杀。 |
1919 John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown completed the first non-stop Transatlantic fight.
英国飞行员约翰·奥尔科克与阿瑟·惠顿·布朗一起首次完成飞越大西洋的直达飞行。 |
192 How long will your offer hold good?
一般你们报盘的有效期是多长? |