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Before the installation, should make decontamination processing for the flame arresters.

Before the hostile takeover, the purchaser often buy the stock of the target company to control most of the share. 在恶性接收开始时,买入公司总是大量购入被接收公司的股票以取得多数股权的地位。
Before the house-building here, a ceremony was held with the Imam, and members of the government. Rice was thrown to bless the land, and people chanted. 在这里建造房子之前,由伊玛目(伊斯兰的长老)和政府官员们举行了一个仪式。人们往地上掷洒米粒以祝福这片土地,并且吟唱赞歌。
Before the image is displayed in a new client window, the software usually asks you to verify (and eventually correct) the date and time it has read from the image file header using the Edit Image Parameter dialog. 在图片被显示在一个新的窗口前,软件通常总要询问你是否确认(或修改)本软件从拍摄图片文件头中读取的拍摄时间和日期。
Before the innovation on teaching mode for the tutor to reading literature of modern and present Chinacourse, we should establish the basic conception of course tutorship which is the starting point of exploration on tutorship innovation. 摘要《中国现当代文学名著导读》课程教学模式改革,应确立“以读为主、以导助读、重在导法”的课程导学的基本理念,并以此作为导学改革探索的基点。
Before the installation, should check whether the actual operating conditions are consistent with the performance parameters of valves. 安装前请核对使用工况与阀门性能参数是否相符。
Before the installation, should make decontamination processing for the flame arresters. 安装前应对阻火器进行除污处理。
Before the lady could answer, my friend interrupted. “She is a famous athlete!” my friend said excitedly. 在那位女士回答我问的问题之前,我朋友插进我们的谈话中,兴奋地说:她可是著名的运动员!
Before the last NIDs, Nigeria's vice president called traditional rulers to a sensitization meeting to ensure that the polio eradication program was community driven and to defuse rumors that oral polio vaccine harms children. 在上一梯次的全国免疫日前夕,奈及利亚的副总统呼吁传统领袖出席一场宣导会议,确使小儿痲痹根除计画在各社区顺利推行,并澄清小儿痲痹疫苗会伤害儿童的谣言。
Before the meal begins, the people all say a few words about what they are most thankful for . 在大餐开始之前,每个人都要说一下这一年来自己最想感谢的人或事。
Before the meeting was adjourned, President Lin Chun-shin made a motion: members of stage 1 of the second Pioneer Team should propose reports on the possible distortions in all existing areas after the tremendous social impacts from global climate change. 在会议结束前,林俊兴董事长提出临时动议,将由第二任第一阶段潜锋特组成员,分别针对在全球气候异变下,人文社会遭受巨大撞击后,对现有的各个领域,可能造成的扭曲程度,提出专题报告。
Before the mountains were born Or You gave birth to the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. 诗90:2诸山未曾生出、地与世界你未曾造成、从亘古到永远、你是神。

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