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In addition, they hunted wild cattle, pigs and horses and made use of many wild plants.

In addition, they act as an anti-inflammatory based on their inhibitory effect on several inflammatory pathways. 另外,他们能通过抑制不同途径而具有抗炎作用。
In addition, they do not match very much. 除此之外,他们两人并不十分般配。
In addition, they exhibited a blunted nocturnal fall in fluid and electrolyte excretion and a higher pulse pressure than white individuals. 而且,较白种人而言,黑种人夜间水盐代谢下降幅度迟钝,同时伴脉压增高。
In addition, they found no difference in effects on testosterone or estrogen levels. 另外,他们还发现这几种蛋白粉对于睾酮素水平和雌激素水平的影响没有什么差异。
In addition, they had a net capital inflow of $114bn. 除此之外,向亚洲国家的资本净流入为1140亿美元。
In addition, they hunted wild cattle, pigs and horses and made use of many wild plants. 除此之外,他们还会狩猎野生的牛、猪、马,并且懂得利用许多野生植物。
In addition, they offer shady, leafy nesting sites in the spring and summer. 更重要的是,在每年的春天和夏天,它们是鸟类荫蔽繁茂的驻巢场所。
In addition, this exhibition will coincide with The 13th Guangzhou Gifts &Stationery Show Spring 2007 which is another event organized by Xinghui, and this will bring double trade opportunities for purchasers attending the two events, and will add to the 此外,本次包装盒展览将与星晖展览公司主办的「第13届广州(春季)礼品、赠品及文具展」同期举行,两个相关行业展会的采购商可以相互观摩并带来双重的贸易机会,为展会增添光彩和商机。
In addition, this form of testing is contraindicated for patients with critical obstructive cardiac or cerebrovascular diseases. 此外,该试验禁用于有严重心脑阻塞性疾患者。
In addition, this paper focuses on the show of landscape crisis in rural tourism development, founding that the root of crisis is putting the cart before the horse. 同时,重点论述乡村旅游开发中出现的景观危机表现,剖析乡村景观出现危机的总根源在于乡村旅游开发目的的本末倒置。
In addition, this paper gives an applied and simple solution: automatic earthing selection and trip for the rural substation. 针对农村电网的实际,提出了有效解决农村电网单相接地选线的自动选跳方法,实践证明该方法简单实用。

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