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The vacuum system consists of vacuum pumps, vacuum pipelines, vacuum valves and vacuum measurers.

The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection. 疫苗过去经常被用来抵抗传染病。
The vacuum cleaner broke down yesterday. 真空吸尘器于昨天出故障了。
The vacuum gas quenching process of ring die of pellet mill is analyzed and discussed based on selection of heat treatment equipment, setting of process parameters, comparison of gas quenching cooling medium and control of deformation amount and others. 摘要对饲料制粒机环模的真空气淬工艺,从热处理设备的选用、工艺参数的设置、气淬冷却介质的比较及变形量的控制等多个方面进行了分析和讨论。
The vacuum melting and argon protecting continuous unidirectional solidification technology was introduced, which combines vacuum inductive melting with continuous unidirectional solidification. 摘要阐述了真空熔炼、氢气保护下引法连续定向凝固工艺。
The vacuum pump is used to provide a vacuum environment for the freezing-drying cabinet and the condensers so as to enable the moisture in the materials to sublimate in the vacuum. 真空泵的作用是给冻干箱和冷凝器提供一个真空环境,使物料的水份可以在真空下进行升华。
The vacuum system consists of vacuum pumps, vacuum pipelines, vacuum valves and vacuum measurers. 真空泵、真空管道、真空阀门和真空测量头组成了真空系统。
The vacuum system protects against moisture and prevents food deterioration through excess humidity. 防止受潮—盒中湿度减至最少,可降低食物或物品因受潮而变质的机会。
The vacuum takes off the angry aircrew including the vacuum takes off angry machine, vacuum pump and centrifugal pump. 真空脱气机组是包括真空脱气机、真空泵和离心泵。
The vadose theory, including conformal mapping, mirror image and superposition principle are used to derive the formulae for calculating the productivity of combined well pattern of horizontal and vertical wells, the formulae are proven and contrasted by 摘要研究运用保角变换法、镜像反映和势叠加原理等渗流力学理论推导水平井直井联合井网产能公式,采用电模拟实验手段针对所建立的井网产能公式进行了验证、对比。
The vagabond began to regret his waste of time. 这个浪荡子开始后悔他虚度了光阴。
The vagrant had to beg for money. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。

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