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The consulate is closed on Sunday.

The constructor insisted on his device being tested under operating conditions. 制造师坚持把他们装置在工作条件下进行试验。
The constructor is fairly straight forward and does not do much. Notice however how super is called by binding WebFXTree as a method and then calling it. 这个构造器是相当的直接,并没有做太多事.尽管如此请注意我们是如何将父类绑定为了一个方法然后调用它的.
The constructor reads the file header and extracts all the relevant information including the actual length of the stream and the format of the audio samples, which is exposed through the Format property. 它的构造函数读取了文件头信息和一些由格式属性提供的其他的相关信息,比如说实际的流长度,和音频数据的格式。
The constructors of great pyramids and the Great Wall are all nameless peons. 其实这道题从理论上可以说是:人民创造需求,人民又解决需求,而伟人只是成功了的幸运儿。
The consul's consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault. 领事的顾问把袭击者从地窖中拖了出来.
The consulate is closed on Sunday. 领事馆周日不办公。
The consulate was upgraded to embassy status. 该领事馆已升格为大使馆.
The consultancy with internet has changed the monotonous traditional model in terms of service. 网络环境中参考谘询服务改变了单一的传统模式。
The consultant also represents another set of eyes on the situation. 谘询员同时也以另一种眼光,观察整个情况。
The consultant committee meet once a year. 顾问委员会一年开一次会。
The consultant committee met at the call of the chairman. 顾问委员会应主席的召集而开会。

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