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A New Method to Obtain Murine Dormant Embryos by Superovulation Combined with Anti-PMSG Serum

The Present Status and Conservation of Species Diversity in Yunnan Province 云南物种多样性研究现状和保护
Study on Xiaguan point topography and the neurons’ location 下关穴的局部解剖学及神经元分布的定位研究
Establishment of a quick screening system for trehalose synthase gene mutants 一种快速筛选海藻糖合成酶突变体体系的建立
Chromosome Numbers and Karyotypes of Three Zelkova Species 三种榉属植物染色体数目及核型分析
A preliminary report on soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes from the three river gorge regions in eastern Tibet 藏东三江峡谷地带土壤暗色丝孢菌研究初报(英文)
A New Method to Obtain Murine Dormant Embryos by Superovulation Combined with Anti-PMSG Serum 利用超数排卵方法高效获取小鼠休眠胚胎
Optimization of Conditions of a Lactobacillus acidophilus Synthesizing Conjugated Linoleic Acid 一株嗜酸乳杆菌合成共轭亚油酸的条件优化
Identification of a novel HLA allele DRB1*1609 by sequencing-based typing DNA测序鉴定新等位基因HLA-DRB1*1609
Population dynamics of hen harrier Circus cyaneus in overwintering area of Southeast China 中国东南部越冬区白尾鹞种群动态
Isolation and identification of high concentration salt-induced proteins from Dunaliella salina 杜氏盐藻高盐诱导蛋白的分离和鉴定
Advances in molecular evolution and functions of NADP~ -dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in higher plants 植物NADP~ -依赖型异柠檬酸脱氢酶的分子进化及功能研究进展

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