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Don't sabotage your chances at being happy and successful in your future study and new life before they have even started.

Don't rush me! I'm almost ready! 别催了!我马上就好!
Don't rush through your work. 不要急著贯彻你的工作。
Don't rush through your work. 不要匆匆忙忙地干工作。
Don't rush your breakfast; you'll get indigestion. 不要匆忙吃早餐,否则你会消化不良。
Don't rush. Take your time. 别急急忙忙的,慢慢来。
Don't sabotage your chances at being happy and successful in your future study and new life before they have even started. 因此对你还没有开始的海外留学生涯,你一定要心存乐观,保持快乐的心态,不要让成功的机会溜走。
Don't sacrifice understanding for speed. 不要为了速度而牺牲理解。
Don't sail out farther than you can row back. 不要游出你能游回来的距离。
Don't sandwich me between both of you. 不要把我夹在你们俩之间。
Don't say a word after giving your price. 在给出价格后,不要说一个字。
Don't say bad words about others, it's impolite. 别说人家坏话,那是不礼貌的。

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