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LED data control electronic fence light, with advanced data control technique, can function at a single color or various color by a single light.; start and change color synchronously, and also indicate the effects of color dancing and gradual change, and

LED Lighting more accurately for the STAUS of BATTERY.PIC CONTROLING(CPU&software insied)for selecting BATTERY CAPACITOR varied 300,400, 500,600,700,800,900,999CCA etc,and show you the mistake automatically.Then the power be turned off,but it can be turne 发光二极管更精确地显示电瓶的状况,内部CPU及软件的控制可根据电瓶容量如300,400,500,600,700,800,900,999CCA等的不同有一个附加的按钮开关来选择,自动诊断错误并显示在表上,自动关机可在10秒后用另一开关再开机,电瓶容量不足时有蜂鸣警报声。
LED Twinkle Light attracts your attention from away . 灯串在很远距离就可以抓住你的视线。
LED Twinkle Light's sharp blinking effect creates a warm, pleasant and peaceful feeling. 灯串强烈的闪烁效果创造出一种温暖的、悦人的以及和谐的感觉。
LED by Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, most central bankers think arm's-length lending and derivatives have made the financial system work better. 在前联储会主席格林斯潘领导下,多数中央银行认为公平的借款及金融衍生物使得金融系统的运作更好。
LED data control electronic fence light, can be mounted and maintained conveniently and posses the functions of waterproofing, dust-proofing, anti-damp and self protection as well. LED数控制电子护栏灯,不仅具有安装维护方便和具有防水、防尘、防潮及自动保护功能。
LED data control electronic fence light, with advanced data control technique, can function at a single color or various color by a single light.; start and change color synchronously, and also indicate the effects of color dancing and gradual change, and LED数控电子护栏灯,以先进的数码控制技术,具有一灯单色和一灯多色的功能,既可用同步启动、同步变色,也可显示跳度或渐变灯光色彩效果,更可实现灯光色彩追逐、扫描变化功能。
LED for charging status and working status. LED灯显示充电和工作状态。
LED installs around lens, provides equal and stable brightness. 采用环绕镜头的LED同抽冷光源导光,亮度均匀,稳定性好。
LED three digital display(one digital after radix poiont). You can get the percutaneous value directly. 检测数据LED三位显示(小数点后1位),可直接测定经皮胆红素值。
LED two digital display. The data that be measured is transfer to percutaneous value according to the comparision table. 检测数据LED二位数字显示,通过对照表可将所测数据转换成经皮胆红素值。
LED visual component with 6 LED styles, independent ON/OFF colour selection and variable Blink rate. 6种不同样式的LED灯号元件,可控制灯号闪烁的频率及On/Off时灯号的颜色.

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