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All her former pity had withered up through bitter experience.

All held together with a strong storyline. 完整的剧情将所有内容串成一线。
All hell broke loose when his wife discovered he was fooling around with another woman. 当他太太发现他跟别的女人胡搞时,情况变得一团混乱。
All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears. 她屡屡求助均无人理会.
All her beautiful tresses have been sheared / shorn off. 她那长长的秀发都给剪掉了.
All her curls have been shorn off. 她的一头卷发被剪得精光。
All her former pity had withered up through bitter experience. 苦难的经历使他的怜悯之情冷漠了。
All her friends have been roped in to help organize the event. 她所有的朋友都已动员来协助组织这一活动。
All her friends tickled her vanity by praising her costume. 她的所有朋友赞扬她的衣裳以搔到她虚荣的癢处。
All her hopes centered on her son. 她的全部希望集中在她儿子身上。
All her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment. 她想象中的幸福霎时全部烟消云散了。
All her luggage was in readiness for the trip. 她这次旅行的行李已准备就绪。

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