In the Insolvency Act context, a two year period is generally thought to give creditors sufficient time to make their claims. |
中文意思: 就破产法有关内容而言,一般说来两年期限已经给债权人足够的时间去追债索赔。 |
In the INVEST trial, there is no significant difference between the βblocker and calcium channel blocker.
再看INVEST试验,含有β受体阻滞剂的联合治疗组与其它治疗组相比没有明显差异。 |
In the In-House contest, do we have to let contestants fill in the speaker's eligibility form ( or it's only for higher levels )?
在会内的比赛,我们也需要让参赛者填写参赛资格合格声明书吗? |
In the India, a small company makes and sells low cost drip irrigation systems to poor farmers.
在印度,一家小公司制造并低价出售给穷人滴灌体系。 |
In the Indian caste system,
在印度的种姓制度中, |
In the Initial Setup the host machine's hard drive is formated, persistent directories are created, network information is entered, and specific variables to handle data control, data capture, and automated alerting are set.
初始化安装时主机的硬盘会给格式化,会建立永久性的目录,网络配置信息需要你输入,会设置处理数据控制,数据捕获和自动告警的相关变量。 |
In the Insolvency Act context, a two year period is generally thought to give creditors sufficient time to make their claims.
就破产法有关内容而言,一般说来两年期限已经给债权人足够的时间去追债索赔。 |
In the Internet today, for example if you have an article, it's very hard to annotate that article and have people come in and see your annotations.
在英特网今天内,举例来说如果你有一个文章,它是非常难注解那个文章的而且让人们来在而且看见你的注解。 |
In the J2SE Java virtual machine, the class verifier is responsible for rejecting invalid class files.
在J2SE虚拟机中,类校验器负责剔除非法的类文件。 |
In the January 30 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers report experimenting with a mixture of simple compounds known to exist in interstellar space: water, methanol, ammonia and carbon monoxide.
美国《国家科学院学报》2001年1月30日刊登了篇报告,研究人员以水、甲烷、氨、一氧化碳等简单分子的混合物做实验,那些分子在星际空间中都找得到。 |
In the Jewish religion, we focus more on deeds than words.
而犹太教,我们重点是看行为,超过语言。 |
In the Jin Dynasty(265-420), there was a man called Zu Ti. He was a farsighted man with great ambitions.
晋代有一个人叫祖逖,他是个有远大抱负的人。 |