Less than a year later a harassed-looking Fudge had appeared out of thin air in the cabinet room to inform the Prime Minister that there had been a spot of bother at the Kwidditch (or that was what it had sounded like) World Cup and that several Muggles h
一年之后,一个看起来很疲倦的福吉出现在内阁房间的空气中,他来通知首相在葵地奇(至少听起来是这样)世界杯上出现了一点小麻烦,有几个麻瓜被“卷入”了,但不用担心,神秘人标记重现的事不足挂齿;福吉确信那是一个孤立事件,麻瓜联络办公室会处理修改记忆的事宜。 |
Less than eight years before Washington gave that warning, he had, as President of the United States, approved and signed an act of Congress enforcing the prohibition of slavery in the Northwestern Territory, which act embodied the policy of the governmen
在华盛顿提出那个警告不到八年前,他作爲合衆国总统,曾经赞同并签署了一项国会法案,在西北准州禁止奴隶制,这项法案体现了直到他提出那个警告时和提出警告的那个时刻,政府对这个问题的政策;而在他提出警告大约一年之后,他写信给拉斐叶特,说他认爲在西北准州禁止奴隶制是个明智的措施,并且表示希望将来能由各自由州组成邦联。 |
Less than five percent were of Spanish ancestry.
不到5%的是西班牙血统。 |
Less than one degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) is all that stands between the tuatara—New Zealand's living fossilreptile—and extinction, scientists say.
不用一摄氏度就能决定“活化石”-新西兰大蜥蜴的生死存亡。 |
Less than seventy years after the appearance of the first movin g pictures, th e shift from heroworship to celebrityworship was complete.
在电影首次出现后不到70年的时间里,从英雄崇拜到名流崇拜的这种转变已经全部完成。 |
Less than ten percent of diabetics have type one diabetes.
低于百分之十的人患有Ⅰ型糖尿病。 |
Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli.
敏感减轻对刺激反应能力低于正常水平 |
Less than two decades after the fall of communism, Russia is already moving rapidly from oligarchic capitalism to an authoritarian state-guided capitalism.
俄罗斯在共产主义崩塌之后不到20年之中,其制度从寡头政治资本主义变革为独裁政治的宏观调控资本主义。 |
Less than two weeks later, police found Corey Bess' body in Fort Myers. A Fort Myers man, Derek Davis, allegedly killed him.
又过了不到两周时间,警方在米尔斯堡找到了科里?贝斯的尸体。德里克?戴维斯,一个米尔斯堡人,招供了他是凶手。 |
Less than two years later, Fudge had erupted out of the fire yet again, this time with the news that there had been a mass breakout from Azkaban.
不满两年之后,福吉又一次从炉火里出现,这一次他带来了阿兹卡班大规模越狱的消息。 |
Less theatrically, he also pointed to problems in American arms-control policy.
但他也较为客观的指出了美国军控政策中的问题。 |