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While most links look similar (#036, mainly not underlined, there are several very different styles applied on the hover, when the mouse pointer moves over the active link.

While most death mage are content with the ability to tear the life force from their victims, ome have ecretly learned it to cha el ome of that tole vitality into their ow restoration. 当大多数死亡魔法满足于从他们的牺牲品掠夺生命的时候,有一定的几率可以秘密的头去生命而使自己得到恢复。
While most death mages are content with the ability to tear the life force from their victims, some have secretly learned it to cha el some of that stolen vitality into their own restoration. 当大多数死亡魔法满足于从他们的牺牲品掠夺生命的时候,有一定的几率可以秘密的头去生命而使自己得到恢复。
While most death mages are content with the ability to tear the life force from their victims, some have secretly learned it to channel some of that stolen vitality into their own restoration. 当大多数死亡魔法满足于从他们的牺牲品掠夺生命的时候,有一定的几率可以秘密的头去生命而使自己得到恢复。
While most eyes after kick-off would soon be on a debutant in goal, in the minutes beforehand, a recently departed favourite who had played 263 games for Chelsea was thanked. 比赛开始后,大多数人的目光聚焦于一个人的身上,就在不久之前,他还是切尔西的一分子,他因为为切尔西征战了263场比赛而永铭记于球迷心中。
While most include California in the new world wine category, California could also be regarded as the newest old world wine country. 加州大部分葡萄酒是新世界葡萄酒,加州被誉为老世界葡萄酒中最新的。
While most links look similar (#036, mainly not underlined, there are several very different styles applied on the hover, when the mouse pointer moves over the active link. 上面的超链接格式看上去基本相同(字体颜色#036,超链接基本上不带下划线,当鼠标经过超链接时产生的效果各不相同)。
While most modern people are not afraid of ghosts, on Halloween, the stingy have something to fear, as some people go through with the trickand throw eggs at stingy people&#39s homes. 然而大多数现代人并不怕鬼,在万圣节,当小气的人看见有人拿着家伙经过,并朝小气的人的家里丢鸡蛋的时候,不免会有些提心吊胆。
While most of the analysis of this chapter focuses on the effects of physical capital accumulation, output depends on the level of both physical and human capital. 虽然本章的大多数分析集中于实物资本积累的影响,但产量取决于实物资本和人力资本的水平。
While most of the other proposed systems used traditional hard-wired technology, the Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies education solutions team presented a Schlage wireless access solution because it was easier and less expensive to install. 与其他采用传统布线联网的提案不同,英格索兰安防技术部校园门禁解决方案团队为客户度身定做了安装更为简易,安装成本更低的西勒奇无线门禁控制方案。
While most of the research work addressed the internal labor market (ILM) issues from the aspect of internal and social equity point of view, our current research is however aimed to present the ILM model from the angle of knowledge learning effects arise 摘要不同于从内部或是社会公平观点來探讨内部勞动市场议题的研究,本研究专注于由员工的组织特定与职务特定之知識学习成效观点所建立的内部勞动市场模型。
While most of this weeks news was favorable for the Eurozone followed by the AsiaPacific realm then the Americas, sources in the Middle-East say continued short-term pressure on the USD is anticipated for additional longer-term investment opportunities in 另有来自中东的消息称:目前美元面临的短期压力被市场预期者们视为将来长期投资机会的一个条件。

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