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Oil and water in main engine, auxiliary machinery and boiler which is necessary for propulsion purpose directly all up to working level.

Oil and perfume rejoice the heart; So a man's counsel is sweet to his friend. 9膏油与香料使人心喜乐;人的劝戒,对他朋友也是如此甘美。
Oil and truth get uppermost at last. 油脂必定水面浮,真理最终占上风。
Oil and water always separate out. 油和水总是分开的.
Oil and water are not miscible. 油和水不能混和.
Oil and water don't mix . 油和水不能混合.
Oil and water in main engine, auxiliary machinery and boiler which is necessary for propulsion purpose directly all up to working level. 主机、辅机和锅炉中供直接用于推进目的加至工作液面的必要的油和水。
Oil and water will not blend. 油和水不能混合在一起。/水火不相容。
Oil and water will not intermingle. 油和水不相融.
Oil and water will not mix. She has begun a portrait in oils. 油与水不能混合。她开始画一张油画画像。
Oil and water will not unite. 油和水不相融。
Oil can be transferred by pipe, as with water. 石油象水一样,可通过管道输送。

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