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You seem to be a bit out of it.

You seem like a nice gentleman, but I'm not sure I could ever get serious about a man who has a laxative jingle for his ring tone. 你看上去人很好,有绅士风度。但是我不确定我能否用认真的态度来对待一个用不那么严肃的音乐作为铃声的人。
You seem like a nice gentleman,but I am not sure I could ever get serious about a man who has a laxative jingle for his ring tone. 你看起来像一个很和善的绅士,但是我不确定自己能否和一个使用俏皮铃声的人认真(交往)。
You seem out of humor today. 你今天好像不高兴。
You seem so poised and intelligent, not to mention handsome. 您看起来是如此稳重和聪明,更不用说是英俊了。
You seem that a shrewd and capable person to analyze the person choosing D , but observe carefully, you in fact can haggle over every penny to thing that oneself take notice of, as for other very much pay attention to by oneself, or always act carelessly 你看起来是个精明干练的人,不过如果仔细观察,其实你只是对于自己在意的事情才会锱铢必较,至于其它自己不太重视,或觉得不重要的事情就神经大条,总是草率行事,显得粗枝大叶。
You seem to be a bit out of it. 你似乎有点魂不守舍。
You seem to be afraid that life might pass you by without giving you time to enjoy it to the full. 你似乎担心还没有来得及充分享受生活的乐趣就可能虚度了光阴。
You seem to be afraid that life might pass you by without giving you time to enjoy to the full. 你似乎在担心人生没有让你充分享受生活就无滋无味地过去了。
You seem to be busy all day;what are you doing ? 你好象整天都很忙,你在干什么?
You seem to be having a spot of bother with your car can I help? 看来你的汽车有点让你伤脑筋了--要我帮忙吗?
You seem to be on cloud nine these days.How is your restaurant business? 你近来有些高兴得飘飘然。餐馆的生意怎么样?

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