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Ash:..All that 'through the looking glass' stuff....ugh...I ...can't get my head around it. I'm old fashioned.

Asgent Inc. is one of the world leading companies engaging in SIP technology &creates the most valuable sofe-switcing platform for NGN. 爱斯勤特科技是全球领先的从事SIP技术的高科技公司,全心致力于创造最具客户价值的下一代网络通信平台。
Ash content(ARB):Every % of ash content excess %(contracted quality value) will result in 0.2USD/MT deduction in unit price. 含硫量(收到基)以为合同标准值,每超过%罚金美元/公吨。
Ash trees can resist many dieases,but they can not resist the emerald ash borer.It lays eggs on the bark,then the young larva drill into and feed on the inner bark.This harms the ability of the tree to transport water and nutrients.The insect is attacking 灰树可以抵御很多疾病,但是它们不能抵御灰虫.灰虫在树皮上孵蛋,那么幼虫钻入树皮并以内部树皮为食.这个破坏了树木传输水和营养的能力.昆虫正在攻击树木的耕种,并且当圆木和柴火运输的时候它们就能传播.
Ash: Here's one for you, professor. 小智:这首歌给你唱,博士。
Ash: Now let's all get together for the big Finale! Come on, you sing along too! 小智:现在我们一起来唱压轴好曲吧!来,你也跟著唱!
Ash:..All that 'through the looking glass' stuff....ugh...I ...can't get my head around it. I'm old fashioned. 所有这些事情。。。啊。。。我。。。搞不懂究竟是怎么回事。我落伍了。。。
Ash:Did I mention he was crazy? 我是不是提到过他疯了?
Ash:Flattery will get you everywhere. 话说的到挺好听。
Ash:I wish.....I could go with you. 我希望。。。我能和你一起走。
Ash:So that means...that I WASN'T dreaming. 那也就是说。。。我不是在做梦。
Ash:You know what I mean, Dina? 黛娜,你懂我意思吗?

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