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A: Yesterday I had a real double whammy. My boss fired me, and my wife asked for a divorce.

A: Yes. There are a few points which I'd like to bring up. First, the packing it's stipulated in the contract that all the machine parts should be packed in wooden cases. This can be done with the machine parts, but it's impossible to pack a truck base li 有,有几点我想提一下。首先,是包装。合同规定机器零件用木箱包装。机器零件可以,而汽车底座用木箱包装则是行不通的。
A: Yes. This wearable appreciation is meant to be a tangible “thank you” from TRF for a monetary contribution. 答:是的,但需提出要求。扶轮基金会藉著可佩戴的表彰饰物来对金钱捐献表达具体的「感谢」。
A: Yes.It looks terrific! 很合身,看上去好极了。
A: Yes; expeience shows that the same product is priced differently in different markets. But why so much higher in this market? 我知道.但是定价也须以顾客的需要为基础,而这种需要是会因时,因地而异的.
A: Yes; experience shows that the same product is priced differently in different markets. But why so much higher in this market? 没错。根据经验,相同产品在不同的市场会订出不同的价钱。但为什麽在这个市场要订这麽高?
A: Yesterday I had a real double whammy. My boss fired me, and my wife asked for a divorce. 我昨天真是祸不单行。老板把我炒鱿鱼,我太太又要求离婚。
A: Yesterday was a real double whammy. My boss fired me and my wife asked for a divorce. 我昨天真是祸不单行。老板反我炒鱿鱼,太太又吵着要离婚。
A: Yesterday...I got home around 7, then I already slept, slept for around 5 1/2 hrs. 昨天,我大约七点到家,马上就睡了,睡了大约五个半小时。
A: You always come through for me when I need you. 你总是在我需要的时候,帮我度过难关。
A: You always do great on tests. 你向来考试都考得不错。
A: You are all wet. 你浑身都湿了。

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