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Duolun Road (formerly named Doulean Road transliteration) is a little street in Shanghai, north of the Sichuanbei Road Trade Area, and south of Lu Xun Park and Hongkou Football Field, with its back to the Inner Ring Viaduct and Jewel Light Track.

Duodenal ulcer may appear at any age but occurs most frequently between the ages of 20 and 60 and has a peak incidence in the fourth decade of life. 十二指肠溃疡可发生于任何年龄,但最常见于20至60岁,其中31岁至40岁发病率最高。
Duodenojejunostomy was performed to relieve the obstruction. 术后症状大有进步,肠阻塞完全解除,顺利出院。
Duodenum is joined to the liver and to the pancreas by ducts. 十二指肠通过导管与肝和胰相连。
Duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection is best indicated for chronic pancreatitis patients with an inflammatory head mass but without obstruction of the common bile duct or duodenum. 四位慢性胰脏炎病患,术后都不再需要止痛药;另二位胰脏头部囊状肿瘤的病患,在术后追踪32及30个月后都未发现肿瘤再发。
Duodimensional Hand. Your unarmed attacks deal slashing damage with an increased threat range. 手刀:你的徒手攻击造成挥砍伤害并附有锐锋效果。
Duolun Road (formerly named Doulean Road transliteration) is a little street in Shanghai, north of the Sichuanbei Road Trade Area, and south of Lu Xun Park and Hongkou Football Field, with its back to the Inner Ring Viaduct and Jewel Light Track. 多伦路(原名窦乐安路)是上海的一条小街,南傍四川北路商贸闹市,北邻鲁迅公园、虹口足球场,背靠内环高架、轻轨明珠线,动静相间一里有余。
Duplex turret type unwinder and rewinder, pre-drive with pre-tension for non-stop shaft exchange. It used shaftless air cylinder. 收放卷采用双工位翻黑心架,并实现翻工位不停机全自动裁切,均采用无轴气顶(可选择气胀轴)。
Duplex, triplex, row housing, or townhouses. Two or more dwellings that are attached physically but are owned and/or occupied by different people. 双并屋、三并屋、并列房、城市屋灯,指两个以上实体相连,但属于不同屋主的住宅。
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