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There will be a second compulsory Site wide shutdown on Sunday 27th November.

There will be a packet to Calais. 明天有邮船开到加莱去。
There will be a pole shift. 将会有一个磁极转换。
There will be a profound awareness of the difference between bigness and greatness. 并且,将会有辨识出「大」与「伟大」之旨趣确有差异的深邃觉醒。
There will be a report on spaceships at 7 on Friday evening. 星期五晚上七点,将有一场关于宇宙飞船的报告。
There will be a run-through of the whole play tonight. 今天晚上要把全剧排练一次.
There will be a second compulsory Site wide shutdown on Sunday 27th November. 十一月二十七日星期天整个现场范围内将实行第二次强制性停工.
There will be a single storyline with all the campaigns connected. 会有一个单一的故事主线把所有战役联系起来。
There will be a special emphasis on manufacturing. 本课程特别关注制造行业。
There will be a special emphasis on networks and distributed computing. 重点将特别放在网络和分布式计算上。
There will be a splitting and a time of separation. 将有一个分裂和一个分离的时间。
There will be a strict political chain, from Lords all the way up to the Princes of the different Kingdoms. 游戏中有严格的政治制度,从领主到不同王国的王子。

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