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Objective To evaluate different angiocardiographic techniques of congenital heart disease in children.

Objective To establish a method for the primary culture of bovine retinal capillary pericytes. 摘要目的:建立牛视网膜毛细血管周细胞原代培养的方法。
Objective To establish a method to determine the content of menthol and hydroxybenzene in complex boric acid powder. 摘要目的建立测定复方硼酸散中薄荷醉和苯酚含量的方法。
Objective To establish an effective qualitative discrimination method for Selaginella medicinal materials. 摘要目的对卷柏属药材建立有效的定性鉴别方法。
Objective To establish stable silver-staining method for showing nerve endings of muscle spindle in rats' soleus muscle. 摘要目的建立快速稳定的肌梭内神经末梢的银染方法。
Objective To evaluate arteriography in traumatic vascular injury. 目的评价动脉造影在创伤性血管损伤中的诊断价值。
Objective To evaluate different angiocardiographic techniques of congenital heart disease in children. 摘要目的探讨和评价儿童先天性心脏病心血管造影技术。
Objective To evaluate enteroscopy in determining the bleeding focus of intestine before operation. 摘要目的探讨小肠镜对小肠出血手术前定位的临床应用价值。
Objective To evaluate the application of M2A capsule endoscopies in the diagnosis of digestive tract diseases. 摘要目的评价胶囊内镜对小肠疾病及其对食管、胃、结肠病变的诊断价值。
Objective To evaluate the application of limited internal fixation combined with external fixation in treatment of children humerus condyles fracture. 摘要目的探讨有限内固定结合外固定的治疗方法在儿童肱骨髁部骨折中的应用价值。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of combined operation with levator palpebra resected and supervior rectus elevated and suspended on congenital ptosis and supervior rectus less-function. 摘要目的评价上睑提肌缩短加上直肌提吊术治疗先天性上睑下垂合并上直肌功能不全所致下斜视的疗效。
Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of human amniotic membrane transplantation on treating ocular thermal burning at early stage. 摘要目的探讨羊膜移植治疗早期眼部热烧伤的临床效果。

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